family, friends, gardening, reading, ANYTHING about Dark Shadows, Comic books are fun. I really like the under ground comics, any R Crumb publication, I love horror related movies , actually most everything I like or do is horror related, except I don't participate I just like to watch and learn, to be continued...I'm still growing up
Glen Beck, Rob Zombie, Sig Haig,, Lon Chaney Jr., Joan Bennett, Grayson Hall, Jonathan Frid, The 3 Stooges, Talula Bankhead, Betty Page, Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, Christopher Lee, Janis Joplin, Barak Obama, Botticelli, any of the Medicis, R Crumb or his wife, Tura Satana, Bruce Campbell, to be cont....
jazz, reggage, rock, folk, right now I'm digging the soundtrack from KillBill, Marilyn Manson, Joe Blacks Midnight spook show(esp. vol 5), Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, Salsa, Merengue, R Crumb and his cheap suit serenaders, old time country,TOCATTA&FUGUE,Cult of the Psychic Fetus....tbc
The Kill Bills, pre mid '70s horror movies, film noir, anything that airs on Svengoolie, every 3 stooge short ever made, Double Indeminty, any movie track Joe Black uses on his Midnight Spookshow, Rob Zombie movies, 30 days of night looks good, Eraserhead stumps me even though I've watched if at least 666 times,Tim Burton movies, I've seen so many horror movies, I just love them all.
history channel, news, hgtv,Svengoolie, Get Smart, Mission Impossible, Fear Net, Glen Beck, Twilight Zone, the Honeymooners, get the drift????
s king, a. christie, books that provoke thought, Tolkein, E.A Poe, Shakespeare, first editions,Dr ACs Horror 101, horror related reference books, tbc.....
my mom , she's in heaven now but she had a difficult life but never gave up, she kept on trudging thru.