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About Me

Welcome to goodron. Get to know the Band, listen to their songs, go backstage to goodron and much more. Enjoy us as we do having you on our site. See you out there somewhere and thanx a lot for being our guest - let's make us famous :-)
Four guys loving music and long nights in Clubs and Bars met in May 2003. For the last three years they were seen either in Lucerne's Nightlife - or on a stage, rocking the crowd. They played in different clubs and Open Airs across Switzerland - and they gonna rock on as long as the groupies love them and the guitars rock. Their latest release is Outtakes of Life - check out the Songs.
If you want to buy a CD - just send a Message :)
Willkommen bei goodron. Erfahre mehr über die Band, hör Dir Songs an, informiere Dich über Liveauftritte, komm Backstage zu goodron undundund. Wir freuen uns auf Dich, ob hier oder irgendwo da draussen in der echten Welt. Viel Spass und Danke für Deinen Besuch - let's make us famous ;-).
Im Mai 2003 fanden sich vier Jungs zusammen. Vier Jungs, die die Liebe zu Musik und langen Nächten verbindet. Schon bald waren einige Songs reif fürs Publikum. Ein erstes Konzert stiess auf durchwegs positives Echo. Die letzten zwei Jahre waren die vier Jungs sodann entweder spätabends im Ausgang in Luzern anzutreffen - oder aber auf einer Bühne am Rocken. Das Open Air Ebikon, der Club ABCMixx oder das MCP Frauenfeld - egal welche Bühne - solange die Groupies kreischen und die Gitarren rocken, solange werden die vier Jungs weitermachen. Und solch wunderbare Songs wie auf dem letzten Album Outtakes of Life veröffentlichen.
Wenn Du eine CD bestellen willst - send uns einfach eine Message ;)
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Member Since: 6/22/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Roli (voc/g), Gianni (g), Tom (d), Grige (b)
Record Label: AMC Turicaphon
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Sites to download goodron Songs

You can download Tracks or the whole CD 'Outtakes of Life' @many online Stores. Here we give you a few links - if you don't like any of these, you probably find us in your favorite store as well. Aol ...
Posted by goodron on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 09:28:00 PST

4 New Songs - 4 neue Songs

Since joining myspace, each of our Songs has been listened to more than a 1'000 times. Thank You! For those who keep coming back to our site - and for the new ones as well - we just uploaded four 'new...
Posted by goodron on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 01:00:00 PST

Two Months Myspace / 2 Monate Myspace

Wow, two months ago we joined - and we already have quite a few friends. It's nice to see that other people like what we are doing. By now the songs played almost 1'700 times - and who kno...
Posted by goodron on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 06:17:00 PST