Sweet Romance profile picture

Sweet Romance


About Me

Je le rêve de tricoter de vêtements pour mon chat. Votre dernier amour.

My Interests

Dancing my legs right down to the knees. Also peas, being a feedee, polishing turds, milking cows, storms, combing Egg Sainsbury's black emo hair and saving pennies with the intention of purchasing black rimmed spectacles. Knitting.

I'd like to meet:

Egg Sainsbury III's father. A common rogue and founder of The Turd Polishing Society.




egg and i, the eggplant lady, a day in the death of joe egg, egg scramble, the affair of the egg, the guilty egg, what's in an egg, fist the egg, and on a more emo note, donnie darko. i'm making my own film called emo egg, starring egg sainsbury, the astonishing tale of an egg with emotional difficulties.




The Bell Jar, The Virgin Suicides, Catcher in the Rye, Girlfriend in a Coma, Prozac Nation, other really depressing titles.



My Blog

drain monsters...

It's 3am and there are silver monsters coming out of my drain. I'm pretty sure i'm not imagining them. They are silver and slithery and rather fearsome looking. Maybe I ought to capture one. Argh! GH...
Posted by Sweet Romance on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 06:14:00 PST