Fat Handed Twat profile picture

Fat Handed Twat

I am here for Friends

About Me

Oh the times how they have a-changed. Again.
I now no longer live at Woodthorne avenue and have changed towns entirely! I live in the dizzy heights of Ilkeston with my Good Buddy Charlie. Life has become one awesome blur of booze, console gaming, and damn right geekyness. It's fucking awesome.
I'm no longer just "seeing" the lovely young Georgina, I'm fully in love with her. She's popped off to Liverpool University now to study biology and every day where I don't get to be with her is agony.But our relationship has already been tested so many times, by so many different things in the short time that we've been together and we're still standing by each others sides in spite of it all. And I never want it any other way, she's without a doubt one of the best things to happen to me for a long time and I love her to pieces. Thank you Geo! =D
Other than that, I'm still just Davey Boy. Send me a message, fling me a text or COMMENT MY PIX PLZTHXINADV!
If you want to msn my sorry ass it's daedalus UNDERSCORE 9 AT hotmail DOT com

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Den Davies, Britain's second most famous rostrum cameraman. "You can't go to ITV, those cunts haven't done a documentary since the world at war!"


Open Credits: The Real McKenzies - Mainland
Wake Up: Sublime - What I Got
Average Day: Weeble - Eggs n Bacon
First Date: The Ataris - Between You and Me
Fall in Love: Spunge - Kicking Pidgeons
Love Scene: Faithless - Don't Leave (Euphoric Mix)
Fight Scene: Rawthang - Epilogue VIP
Breaking Up: Dashboard Confessional - For You To Notice
Getting Back Together: Nine Inch Nails - We're In This Together Now
Secret Love: Incubus - Wish You Were Here
Life is Good: Feeder - Just a Day
Mental Breakdown: Filter - Hey Man, Nice Shot
Driving: Michiel Van Den Bos - Foregone Destruction
Learning a Lesson: Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors Theme
Deep Thought: Sigur Rós - Hoppípolla
Flashback: Jon Hallur - Red Glowing Dust
Partying: Kool and The Gang - Jungle Boogie
Wild Drunk: Lightyear - Spotcheck
FUCKED up Drunk: Theme From Mortal Kombat
Slow Dance: The Appleseed Cast - Marigold and Patchwork
Happy Dance: Big Bad Voodoo Daddy - You and Me and the Bottle makes Three Tonight
Regretting: Schneider TM - The Light 3000
Long Night Alone: The Little Explorer - Cloud Cover
Falling Out: (hed)pe - Bartender
Drugs: Beck - Loser
Falling Asleep: Jon Hallur - Below the Asteroids
Karaoke: Vanilla Ice - Ice, Ice, Baby
Discovering the Meaning of Life: Jimmy Eat World - My Sundown
Discovering the Love of your Life: The Get Up Kids - I'll Catch You
Closing Credits: Feeder - High
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My Blog

Michael Kelly's Lost art of Seduction...

This made me laugh so hard today that I wee'd myself maybe a little bit...I've posted it here for your viewing pleasures:This came from http://www.michaelkelly.fsnet.co.uk/ I suggest you read the rest...
Posted by Fat Handed Twat on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 07:36:00 PST

Up The Farm Drive Episode 6, Searching for a Place to Call my Home

As you ought to be aware if you actually read what I write on my front page instead of just coming here to gawp at my pictures and leave messages like "u r teh hotness!!111" (as everyone does on a reg...
Posted by Fat Handed Twat on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 07:43:00 PST

Up The Farm Drive Episode 5, The Kriss Akabusi Love Stories

Right, not sure where these went when I posted 'em before, I imagine they disappeared as a testament to the stability of myspace, anyhoo, they're hosted offsite now at the following location:http://h4...
Posted by Fat Handed Twat on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 04:23:00 PST

Up The Farm Drive Episode 4, Wasting the Time of the Rich and Famous

So the otherday at my super secret new job, I have a lot of time on my hands and a fellow colleague of mine (who shall remain nameless for security reasons!) manages to find a website where you can hi...
Posted by Fat Handed Twat on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 04:29:00 PST

Up the Farm Drive Episode 3, Blood, Sweat and Gigs

I am fucking hot. I seriously think I may have sweat that much that if it were collected and recycled, those water-wasting bastards down south wouldn't need to worry about a hosepipe ban this year.Thi...
Posted by Fat Handed Twat on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 02:38:00 PST

Up the Farm Drive Episode 1, Pilot

I guess it's about high time I started to document all the fun and adventures that I get up to at Farm Drive. I purchased the fucking domain upthefarmdrive.co.uk a short while ago with the intention o...
Posted by Fat Handed Twat on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 05:33:00 PST

Up the Farm Drive Episode 2, Sex, Drugs and assorted Ska/Punk

I've come to the conlcusion that the internet is like a car.Don't use it whilst drunk.After yesterdays incessant ramble, and even though the subject matter is still going for a gold medal in my mind, ...
Posted by Fat Handed Twat on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 08:58:00 PST