Star profile picture


A shining star that longs to light up the whole world

About Me

There's not a whole lot to tell about me.. bottom line is I love people of every size , shape, color and religion. I've always believed you can never have too many friends... They are the greatest thing in life you can ever have.This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!

My Interests

Summer sunsets that stretch across the sky and set it ablaze with color so beautiful it takes your breath away just by looking at it. I love watching the fiery fingers of lightning dance across the sky and the way thunder seems to shake the ground when it rumbles. I love the smell of the green earth and taking off my shoes and running barefoot through the fields like I used to do when I was a child feeling the warm ground under me, never letting go of that innocence in my heart as I get older. And picking wildflowers to wear up in my hair. I love the county fair that comes here every August with the rides and the cotton candy. I always feel sad inside like a child to see it when it moves to another town. I love the way fireflies light up the night with thier magic and sitting for hours just staring up a skies painted with thousands of stars that are so many they seem to come down and touch the distant mountain tops. I love the way the seasons change from summer to the gold and red and yellow of Autumn when the air is full of the smell of smoke and the man in the moon watches over the world with his orange glow. And how in Winter when the snow falls it sparkles like diamonds in the sunlight

I'd like to meet:

I can't really think of one specific person. I would just love to meet people in general. I dream of seeing the world. I have for as long as I can remember. Even ever since I was a child. I want to see everything the world has to offer and all of the people in it. . border="0"


I love music in general , there are so many great kinds in the world it's sometimes hard to decide. I adore all the 80's hairbands , those days rocked I don't think there will be ever a time where music was as cool as that. But I also love country music because of my roots.


I love sitcoms. RoseAnne , Mama's Family , The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air , All In The Family , Sanford & Son. And esp. Charmed because it's cool to see women kicking ass lol. But my all time favorite is Dukes of Hazzard. haha I got to admit I'm obsessed with that show. I think I have every single episode taped. It's really great I would watch it when I was little down at my grandparent's farm. I think that's one of the reasons why I hold it so close to my heart. It's like family to me!


I used to read all the time but now I say SCREW THAT you only live once so go out there and PARTYYY and have FUNNN !!.... If it's one damn thing I know I can do is party just ask my friends Jenna and Tripp and Rox they all know that I can and HAVE out partied them all the time... nah maybe you better not ask them they wouldn't admit it , they are like in sooo denial that I have. hahaha I'm just kidding !! I love them and they can party just as much as me. Shhh .... but don't tell them I admitted that !!


I've decided that in life my heroes are all of the people that cared and have taken the time to really know me... and most important above all else believe in me.To :Jenna , Allison a.k.a ( Rox ) , Tripp , AC , Kelsey , Diana , Sammi , Pam , Julie , Robert a.k.a. ( Father Time ) haha...Paul , Colleen , Rachel , Jen ( x 2 ) , Ron , Matt , Tom a.k.a ( Duckman ) , Libby , Leigh , Channy , Emily , Anna , Kes , Tara , Billi , Rani , Valerie , Tommy , Claude , Jack , Phil , Heidi , Wayne , Dave , Ryan, Tammy , Cassie , Anne Marie , Rainne , Troy , Jana, Crystal , Shannon Jade , Bonnie , Lisa , Pete , Cindy , Jarred , Marina, Jess , Tina , Nena , Nikita , Serena , Valerie , Heather , Willa, Joanne , Dorraine ....And also all of my new friends here on MySpace , and all of the bands on my page you will always have my support.. I LOVE ALL YOU GUYS !!!

My Blog

For Angie , Nightman, Vicki and the shadows

Just  A Face On A Screen Dear God , Can anyone see the tears that I've criedOr the nights that I diedMy two arms were always openTo show them that I careYet now they left me standin'Facing a doo...
Posted by Star on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 02:27:00 PST

If There's Anyone Out There

 It's two am here and I'm sitting  listening to the sound of the rain on the roof and windows. All of the people I talk to on my MSN messenger and AIM have already gone to bed...
Posted by Star on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 11:23:00 PST

For the ones that cared about me

Wondering what I should do is still weighing on my heart and my mind like a pair of chains ... Tonight I went outside and walked far from my house afterdark and sat there alone. I live all the way ou...
Posted by Star on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 03:07:00 PST

What Should I Do ??????????

Has anyone ever heard the song by Garth Brooks called  , " If Tomorrow Never Comes "  ... I can't get that song out of my head. I think that it's why I'm pushing so hard wanting to write my ...
Posted by Star on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 10:26:00 PST

Can someone please hug me

   I don't know how many people read my blogs... God only knows they aren't the most exciting things in the world. I'm sure that all the ones that do read it  get awfully damn tired of ...
Posted by Star on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 12:23:00 PST

Uomo d Arcano ~ Man of Mystery

Embracing  An  Angel       ( a poem I wrote ) ( Uomo d Arcano )  Man of Mystery I was lost when I found youNothing stopped the fear that I went throughYet ...
Posted by Star on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 09:35:00 PST

The Dragon Slayer 2 .. the journey continues

The maiden of circumstance's journey continues Deep into the heart of night Across the battleground of venues The night has turned cold And with the storm brings rain But she refuses to turn back De...
Posted by Star on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 01:18:00 PST

My Book

Hey would it be alright if I could get everyones opinion on something ??   I'm writing a book and for a long time this one tittle has stood out in my head and just will not go away.. and I w...
Posted by Star on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 12:27:00 PST

The Dragon Slayer

This is a  poem I wrote.........Picture old times in a world and place far away where knights in armour and innocent maidens and dragons roam the land. See a young maiden who had ...
Posted by Star on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 12:27:00 PST

How to fucking treat people....

What would you do if you lost a friend just because she happens to be friends with a celebrity ?  I have this one friend and when I first started talking to her I thought she was one of the nices...
Posted by Star on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 11:28:00 PST