Is it only interesting people who have interests? I'd like to assume so, on the small chance that I could be considered interesting. So. Things I find interesting: Cricket. Bunny rabbits. Dressmaking. Toymaking (Rhiannon, I think, is very pleased with Egbert). Sailing. Raisin bagels from Waitrose. An evening in with The Corrs, Pizza and someone on the end of a telephone. . Maybe I'm not as interesting as I'd thought.
Jeremy Paxman. Though there is chance of my bundling him into a car and him never seeing the light of society again - I'd have him living in the mountains with me, and could bring special guest-star politicians for him to argue with. This is a very vivid fantasy I'm building...
One hopes not, but nevertheless is sucked in.
When I was asked this a couple of weeks ago, the only people I could think of were family members. Cheesy, but quite right, I think.