--Welcome to my "space". I was born in MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA (Santa Clara County) and was raised in Hawaii and San Diego. Moved to the Rainy State in 99 and have grown very fond of it. I'm currently finishing up my Business degree at UW Bothell and I'm a Realtor for Century21. I love my job... great money and little to no actual work. Just Kidding: like a colleague recently reminded me: I am facilitating the American dream. Sounds good to me! What you might not know...I always like it when people list the "little things" in life that they love/hate so I'm finally gonna take the time to do so myself. I love the smell of the beach, the sound of seagulls makes me feel at home, I am a hopeless romantic and would rather end up a lonely old cat lady than settle for anything less than a storybook fairytale, I'm always late, I make every attempt to be honest about everything, except: if you call me and ask me where I'm at there is a 97.2% chance I'll lie and tell you I'm 10 minutes ahead of where I am, I like driving fast and aggressive (watch out for me ;-) I wish I was an art major, I love diving to 120 feet, just to stop and float upside down while watching the sun dance on the surface, I have a fear of time and growing old, I have lots of amazing friends and still feel incredibly unattached to my surroundings, I love playing basketball, I have titanium screws in my knee and an awesome scar on my leg that I'm honestly proud of, I've had multiple hand surgeries after flying off a mountain bike and carry a couple scars I'm not as proud of, I watch TV and movies very loud, I HATE CINNAMON, I like drinking wine and talking till all hours of the night, a good vocabulary turns me on, so does height, I love the way babies feel when you hold them but not the way they smell, I am NOT a jealous person, I hate my feet, I like to share food, I love spicy food and ice cream, I'm not afraid of much but I'm slightly scared this will get me in trouble some day, I love school and might not ever stop going, Jacuzzis make me faint, turquoise is my favorite color, I'm not good with tools and I don't care, I'd rather pay someone to carpet or roof my house than do it myself, I'm pretty laid back and people who stress out while driving or traveling annoy me, I hate it when boys chew or worse... when girls chew, I love late night walks, I want to be with someone better than me... otherwise I eventually get bored, I taught Sunday school for two years, I've read the bible twice and was once able to recite hundreds of passages from memory, I hate the drill the dentist uses and I hate flossing, I love the texture of kiwi, I hate scary movies but love roller coasters, I love writing and hate math, I'll never be able to box and that actually disappoints me, I was once disqualified from an event at a State Track meet because I did a spin in the last 100 yd stretch, I love the outdoors and I am not afraid to get dirty, I wear my emotions on my sleeve - if I like you you'll know it, I wish I was more "aloof", graceful, disciplined and punctual, I wish I was less argumentative, bossy, cluttered, careless and cocky but I'm glad that I'm friendly, spontaneous, crazy, intelligent, outgoing, ambitious and weird. I'm extremely independent but I get lonely often, I hate pho and sushi, I hate sand in my mouth but don't mind the taste of salt water, I love flip-flops and shorts, I love dancing but I'm not sure if I'm any good at it, I ask for favors often but I'm the first person to call if you need one - For example: I WILL help you help you hi-jack your car from Seatac airport on short notice, I gossip often but if I try hard I can keep a secret, I will be fluent in Spanish someday soon, I hate the feeling of sap on my fingers, I hate mosquito bites, I love music, I love the smell of gasoline, I love laughing out loud till I cry, and making new friends, I hate it when people get water on the floor when showering, I love that 10 minute period right before a storm with violent skies and the sound of anxious wind chimes in the background, I'm a risk taker and a fabulous parallel parker, I prefer boxers over briefs but boxer-briefs will do, I love the way it sounds when a crush says your name, I watch lots and lots of movies, I don't have an ear for studs, I'm afraid of spiders, call me weird... but I don't make-out with girls, I love chocolate malts, I have no desire to run a marathon or take up sewing, I have poor sleeping habits, if I love you: you know it, I HATE that someone can ruin a song for me -even my most favorite songs, I'm a planner, floating is hard with a heavy rock in your shoe (and painful), I've developed a liking for chocolate, Dave's two-step is the my best cardio-tune, I don't believe in "pitching" people, I hate gambling unless I can use someone else's money, I've discovered I do like Vegas however, lately I miss my friends -particularly those I talk to most, I'm pro-choice (as much as it seems otherwise), I'm not very good in excel, I want a big wedding, oh and a big ring too ;), I love margaritas on the rocks with extra salt, I prefer tea to coffee, I do not have medical insurance, I will babysit your cat on short notice, I've NEVER really been fishing, I really hate hunting, I'm really afraid of spiders, I'll be jumping out of a plane any day now...----
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