Lindsey profile picture


My dream is to become immortal and then die.

About Me

I am Lindsey and I live in Olympia, WA. I'm obsessed with film and cinematography. I think Miranda July is a genius. I'm working on a bunch of film projects right now. And I'd like to screw up the patriarchy through radical activism.
Join Feminist Action Brigade !!!!!!!!!!
Billie Holiday makes me smile.

My Interests

music, film, john waters, feminism, religious + political study, guitar, knowledge, film making, cartoons, writing, knitting, collar bones, venus zine, vintage pin-ups, activism, photography, harmony korine, david lynch, diy, cinematography, dreams, drag queens, b horror movies, eurotrash, thrift stores, obsession, jazz

I'd like to meet:

Rimbaud is my new poet obsession...
(harmony korine, david lynch, fairuza balk, hitler etc..) As of right now, anyone intelligent.


7 year bitch, alien sex fiend, tori amos, azure ray, babes in toyland, the beatles, belle and sebastian, betty blowtorch, bikini kill, blonde redhead, blondie, the blow, bratmobile, the casual dots, chicks on speed, the cramps, crucifucks, dead kennedys, deerhoof, dimmu borgir, dominatrix, einstürzende neubauten, fierce perm, frank sinatra, frumpies, the gossip, gravy train!!!!, hendrix, horrorpops, jack off jill, janis ian, joan jett, john lennon, jon brion, joy division, julie ruin, the kohl heart, kittie, kmfdm, L7, ladytron, le tigre, lesbians on x, lords of acid, mecca normal, the moves, ms. kittin, neil young, new order, nirvana, operation ivy, patsy, patti smith, peaches, richie havens, the rogers sisters, rudimentary peni, scarling., skinny puppy, sleater kinney, the slits, sonic youth, specials, spider and the webs, star star, tom waits, velvet underground, violent femmes, white stripes, yeah yeah yeahs


me and you and everyone we know, through a glass darkly, pi, welcome to the dollhouse, happiness, pretty baby, blue, white, red, tank girl, i shot andy worhal, gia, born in flames, but im a cheerleader, cecil b. demented, fear and loathing, alphaville, city of lost children, house of yes, polyester, breathless, pecker, hairspray, ladies and gentlemen the fabulous stains, mirror, heavenly creatures, party monster, capturing the friedmans, blue velvet, mulholland drive, personal velocity, triumph of the will, soooo many moooooore


tipping the velvet, queer as folk, lost, adult swim(i love home movies), twin peaks, my so-called life, strangers with candy, aeon flux, absolutely fabulous


CUNT, 1984, sapho, the color purple, beauty myth, venus zine, SCUM manifesto, a crack up at the race riots (harmony korine), tank girl, lenore, squee, rimbaud, the yum yum book (crumb), A Million Little Pieces, Outlaw Woman, harry potter, the hobbit, the big sleep, anything by raymond chandler


david lynch, leni riefenstahl, joan jett, patti smith, lois weber, saddie benning, john waters, jean-luc godard

My Blog

I want

I want to do a million things and I want to do them all now. I think I got my creative motivation back after a long absence. Maybe I should go back to school now. But I feel confined in that space. I ...
Posted by Lindsey on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 01:08:00 PST

Amazing live bands

I went to Queer Fest at Jake's tonight. I really only went because I wanted to see The New Bloods and Twin. I saw King Cobra play back in the day, but seriously folks, Rachel Carns is the best drummer...
Posted by Lindsey on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 01:39:00 PST

i cannot believe

I can't believe we made that movie. Damn. 7 or 8 at the capital theater in oly on Saturday. Be there. Oh and everyone should go to queerfest at Jakes on Wednesday. twin, new bloods, and, here comes th...
Posted by Lindsey on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 02:11:00 PST

Since Friday

I've been making a movie with Kanako, Heather Hall,Sarah Adams, and a few others in Olympia for the 72 hour film competition. I'm tired, so tired. Good night.
Posted by Lindsey on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 01:35:00 PST

Still in Mexico

Im on this strange mexican keyboard I cant seem to figure out. I cant make the at symbol for email addresses, I had to search for it on google and copy and paste it to log on to my myspace account. An...
Posted by Lindsey on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 06:12:00 PST

I’m in Cabo

and you're not! HaHa!
Posted by Lindsey on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 09:05:00 PST


For those who don't know, or are confused as to how old I just turned, it is 21. I spent my birthday in New Mexico and had a fucking blast. Thanks to everyone who contributed mega hangover. Much love!...
Posted by Lindsey on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 12:14:00 PST

No more sneaking in

this friday is my birthday. everyone must buy me a drink next time you see me. finally, the young one turns 21. 
Posted by Lindsey on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 11:10:00 PST

Metric Love

I'm in love with Emily Haines. She is a goddess. Oh my god. Her solo album is ridiculously depressing so I figured she had problems. But damn is she amazing on stage. She jumps around and her voice st...
Posted by Lindsey on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 06:54:00 PST

An actual vacation??

I'll be in SoCal from August 7th until the 14th. So if any of you bitches want to hang out, you should send me a message or call me. I like to hang out. Hopefully I will get to sleep in and party all ...
Posted by Lindsey on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 12:20:00 PST