watching t.v. and movies,i loved music,i loved to eat and sleep,surf the internet and many more
people whO are trustwoRthy,KiNd,pAtieNce aNd May SeNse Of HumoR
i like rNb,PoP,sEnTi,aLterNaTIve and lot more
LorD of the Rings,arMaGeDDon.coYOte Ugly,thE Phone,A wAlK to RemEmBER and Many MAny MoRE!!! :)
smallVille,Alias,sUrvivoR,Amazing RAce,RipLey's and a lot MoRE!!!!
LorD of the RinGS,JoNathan LiviNgStone Seagull,reMember Me,and BibLe pareh!!