Scott profile picture


May the God of your choice Bless You...

About Me


I came up from the clean streets of Motown (that's Detroit for you youngsters), and went into the military after High School like all the other po folks who couldn't play pro basketball or get a record deal. I did anti-drug operations in the Caribbean & South America in the early 90's, and did illustration/design work for military publications when I wasn't doing that. After the military, I was a Detroit Police Officer and worked the 12th Precinct (West Side!) for a few years. When one of my partners was shot and paralyzed, I decided I was done with jobs that involved being shot at for a while, so I resigned, headed south to Austin - and have been here ever since.
Now I'm in advertising/graphic art, and also design & import furniture. I like to train in Mixed Martial Arts in my spare time, and do some other things that are nun'ya bidness... I'm into All of the Arts -- Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Music, I've dabbled in Acting (been in a few movies & commercials), and of course, the Art of WAR (Shaolin Kung Fu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Ancient & Modern Weapons, etc.)... Samples of my artwork, drawings, paintings, etc. are on my website: Check it out -- you'll be glad you did. But my greatest 'work in progress' would have to be raising my incredible daughter, Destiny (BeBo) - I am as proud as I can be of her... ~ Love Ya DJ!! The other little woman in my life is also a work of art (inside & out). She is the best female friend that I've ever had... ~ Love Ya Taylor!!
Anyone into Mixed Martial Arts, UFC, Sport Fighting, General Rowdiness.... click on the Warriorskin link below to check out
...Have A Powerful Day!!
"There are two ways to live your life...
One is as though nothing is a miracle,
the other is as though everything is a miracle."
~ Albert Einstein
One of my ancestors - seven generations back - was Tribal Chief of the Oneida (Iroqouis), and a delegate to the Iroqouis Council in the late 1790's. (He is shown below). The U.S. Declaration of Independence was based on the constitution of the Iroquois League of Six Nations ~ a fact that I am proud of. Anyone who is Native American, or part-Native American (no matter how small a percentage), "We must forever survive as Indians"...
I am proud of my heritage, but I also see the beauty in All of the World's Cultures. I see my face in everyone. I know only one race: the Human Race. And anyone who traces the history of mankind - and goes back far enough - will eventually realize that we are All One... We are People of the Sun...
So Shine your Light for the World to see...
Mitakuye Oyasin!!
"As we've become more urbanized, we've lost this connection with the Natural World. The further away we get from the wild, the less we understand it."
~ Wade Davis, Anthropologist
My English name is "Scott"; my spiritual name is "Inali-Wakan"... Like most Americans, I am a mutt : part German, Iroquois, Finnish, Swedish, etc... My ancestors were called Barbarians, Savages, and "Uncivilized"... But I am proud of all of the blood in my veins. Barbarian Power!
"The present is a gift, and I just wanna Be." ~ Common

My Interests

I am Soul... I am a part of the Great Whole...
I want to know as much as there is to know before I die -- which may seem like an unattainable goal, but it keeps me busy!...
My interests are Staying Active & Always trying to improve myself -- Mentally, Physically and Spiritually... I've had a rough life and I am thankful to Just Be Alive.
I Love Sport Fighting (Mixed Martial Arts), Boxing, Kung Fu, Being Immature, Playing Guitar, Philosophy, collecting Pre-Columbian & African Art & Masks, collecting Tattoos, studying ancient cultures & tribalism, traveling, graphic art & design... And spending as much time as possible with my soulmate (Taylor) and my daughter (Destiny) -- who both never stop amazing me...
I am a Fighter, a Father, a Lover and a Friend...
And I am West Side 'Till I Die...

"Music is a part of life, Music was once everything, our Music lives through everyone, what our Music does is show ya Love..."

I'd like to meet:

My Biological Parents (JK, love ya moms & pops!)
I've already met who I wanted to meet, and I've learned a lot about relationships. Here's some free advice...
It's not just about FINDING the right partner,
It's about BEING the right partner... Feel me?

"It is not necessary for you to know whether I am joking or whether I am serious, just as it is not necessary for me to know it myself..."
~ Salvador Dali

"May God have mercy upon my enemies... because I won't."
~ General George S. Patton

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State,
the Right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
(Second Amendment to the United States Constitution)

"Click click, bang bang, 'cuz it ain't no thang..."
~ Cypress Hill

"Some people get lost in the wilderness... I find myself there."
~ Me

FREEDOM of Speech & Expression is one of the most fundamental Rights that individuals enjoy. It is fundamental to the existence of Democracy and the respect of Human Dignity. It is also one of the most dangerous rights, because freedom of expression means the Freedom to express one's discontent with the status quo and the desire to change it. As such, it is one of the most threatened rights, with governments (and "human rights groups") all over the world constantly trying to silence it.
Never be silent... Stand up for your Rights...

"Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result."
~ Sir Winston Churchill

"Everything will be alright if ya hold on,
It's a struggle every day, gotta roll on..."
~ Tupac

"You lookin' for a Leader?... Be one." ~ Chuck D.

"The Earth does not belong to Us, We belong to the Earth..."
~ Chief Seattle

"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves
can free our minds." ~ Robert Nesta Marley

"Now and then it's good to pause in the pursuit of Happiness,
and Just Be Happy."
~ Guillaume Apollinaire

"The corner was our Rock of Gibraltar, our Stonehenge,
Our Taj Mahal... our monument...
Our testimonial to Freedom, to Peace, and to Love...
Down on the corner."
~ Last Poets


I Love a lil bit of everything... from Classical to music that makes your ears thump! Hip-Hop, Reggae, Old School R&B, Native American Everything, Modern Rock, Latino Salsa y Mambo Musica! Punk, Dance, Trance, Jazz, Jungle & Bass, you get the idea...
Anything that perpetuates the Rhythm of Mother Earth...
Bob Nesta Marley, "Biggie Smalls" Wallace, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Johnny Cash, Tupac Shakur, Peter Tosh, Janis Joplin, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Deshaun "DJ Proof" Holton, James Brown; too many more to mention...


Movies that make you think, or that make you laugh... Mainly action or comedy. Seen enough drama in my life, so... Save that drama for yo mama!


Two rules for TV:
I either have to be laughing or learning...
Other than that, the idiot box stays off.


World History, Modern Tribalism, Philosophy, Science & Physics, Ancient Cultures, Secret Societies (shhh!), etc... Knowledge is POWER.


My Dad, My Daughter, Bruce Lee, Professor Steven Hawking, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Leonardo Da Vinci, His Holiness the Dalai Lama (who I have seen in the flesh), The Gracie Family, ALL of the men & women serving in the US Armed Forces and working in Public Service, and EVERYONE who came up from the hood and made a better life for themselves...

To my better half (Taylor)
Girl you are to me,
All that a woman should be...

Click here to check out my artwork...

My Blog

¡American illegals in Mexico!

When we made it past the last military checkpoint south of Juarez, José turned to us and said, "now... you are wetbacks here!"  We all laughed.  Normal Americans traveling out of country hav...
Posted by Scott on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 04:24:00 PST

Funk of My Forefathers...

"The Funk of My Forefathers" (lyrics to one of my songs) The funk of my forefathers echoes in this land, and it's not something you can take - or even understand, the funk of my forefathers, ...
Posted by Scott on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 11:35:00 PST

Are Tattoos Unholy?...

Many untattooed people have asked me about my tattoos throughout my life, and I've heard it all: It's So Permanent, I would never do that, Why did you?, You've put graffiti on God's gift to you, etc.....
Posted by Scott on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 07:25:00 PST