modernus profile picture


subject to the ladder

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

A girl who shines, a man with a plan, and sensible people will do just fine. Oh yeah and of course...


The Passion, Munich, Goodbye Lennin, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, DVS "skatemore", DC video, everything Girl/Chocolate, Alien/Habitat, Plan B, Run Lola Run, Millions, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Rush Hour, Golden Child, Beetlejuice, THX1138, Robots, Layercake, Trainspotting, The Triplets of Bellveiw...


The Office (British of course), PBS, Little Britain, the learning channel, BBC, TV5 (when I had Satilite) Project Runway, - look at this shit, no wonder I can't get a date! Ha! T.V. is all rubbish anyway isn't it?


man I don't read as much as I want...C.S. Lewis, The Bible really inspires me, I love politial magizines, the econimist, Wired, blogs, most skateboarding mags, digital art mags, fashion mags- the weird underground ones that come wrapped in plastic so you have to buy them-lame! I read more magizines than books beause I like shiny paper and pictures with captons.


God, anyone who makes it and is still cool to those who havn't, I really admire C.S. Lewis, Winston Churchill, Chris Tucker, Lance Mountain, Gabe Soreson, Cristian Hosoi, The Volkles, Kari Tredwell, Mum, Pop, Paul Smith, Doug & Ned, People who do the right thing though it could cost them their life, Judah Isreal, lots of people I suppose.

My Blog

The leaders of Men (first draft)

paintings coimg soon....
Posted by modernus on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 02:31:00 PST