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Torry Lundberg

About Me

So about me... I am the biggest millitary brat in the intire world and have been around the world pretty much. I was born in Japan on a base in okinawa (no I'm not Japanese). Then I moved to Germany .....then Utah.....then New York..... Then Florida.......and most recently Germany (again). I am a high school senior at K-town military school and hoping to survive through the rest of school (including college). I am mormon which means when I am 19 I will be gong on a 2 year mission for my church. I currently work at BK flippin burgers. recently I played football for my highschool and LOVED it and now I hope to play sprots in a team like that when ever I can (not neccesarily football though because I am the biggest soccer buff ever). I have played the clarinet since my 4th grade of school ( which doesn't mean I am fenominal by any means) and have played piano which I picked up at my old school in FLorida(Lavilla and Douglas Anderson). But I want what anybody else wants which is to be happy:)

My Interests

My interests...hmmm..I guess living life that's an intrest right? well soccer is fine yah I'll go with that.

I'd like to meet:

Who would I like to meet........oh I know ....wait......I guess god would be nice. .. width="425" height="350" ..


Since I have so many friends and so many opinions on music I choose not to comment on this beside this comment about not commenting


Indiana Jones, Johny English, anything funny really


pokemon!.......yah just kidding.....smallville is ok I guess and I have been starting to watch house.


Harry Potter, series of unfortunate events, left behind series, anything cool really

Heroes: dad?