Blue "The Stealth Doggie" profile picture

Blue "The Stealth Doggie"

Whaddya lookin at???

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

You think it's easy constantly being recruited as a toothpick? My owner is relentlessly badgered about my nutritional needs! Why just yesterday someone stopped by the house threatening to call the authorities because “that excuse for a dog” wasn’t fed a proper meal! If they only knew I eat more than a Great Dane and leave bountiful evidence to this fact! My owners don’t appreciate it much, but I find a sense of pride in it! I was sent to training school for a time, but showed them in this small stature who was boss! The instructor failed me three times which I am extremely proud of! I’ve run my household much the same ever since. (psst) I’ve got a secret. Come close and I’ll whisper it! I’ve got these humans wrapped around mee little toe! Scratch that new piece of furniture and you get fed pronto! Constant whining and barking work as well!

My Interests

Far Flown home demo
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Anyone with a sub sandwich will do. You know, I’m fast. I am very faaassst. They call me "The Stealth Doggie" and I don’t mind a bit. You’d think those humans would learn by now. I have nothing else to do with my time but plan my next food strike. I live to get some of those delicious meals they spend money and time on preparing. “I eat therefore I am”, is my time-tested motto. After all this time you’d think they would learn. No. Such is not the case. Oh, wait there she goes, I see my owner making her way to the kitchen! What is she up to? I’ll just casually saunter into the kitchen pretending to be interested in getting a nice lick of water. Okay, that’s right, looking casual. Yes! she bought it! Doesn’t she even see me? ! ? ! Hey. hey. hey. Yes! It’s looking good! What is she pulling out of the refrigerator! ? ! ? Oh! I'm shaking a bit here, got to calm down. Three doggie sniffs here, calming down. Do I see a complete submarine sandwich?! ?! Oh! The meat stuffed full of cheeses and those delicious condiments! Oh! I’m a lucky dog.I am a lucky dog.Yes, a lucky faaast dog. Hey. hey. hey. My owner cut a piece of sandwich off and looks to be making her way into the other room! Hasn’t she learned? Could the dog gods be more kind? ! ? ! Yesssss score! This is a job for ….. Stealth Doggie!!! Zeroing in on target faster than the eye could see. One paw on the counter and score! Got it! Now to silently drag it behind to my secret hide out. A couple of swallows and it’s eaten! Yaaaaay! One more on the doggie post for Stealth Doggie! Fade out to sounds of the owners voice “BAD DOG” “VERY VERY BAD DOG” in the background….. What? Whaddya looking at?