music addict, a new turned vegitarian and have YET to eat tofu, I love spring, singing, peanut butter, coffee, yogurt peanuts, avid gum addict, herbal tea, driving with the windows rolled down, performing, walks, sunflowers, grapes, art, dancing and i love my family., musical theater, friends, concerts, outdoors, running, random, crazy adventures, photography, call the office: totally wired, mo' gravy and ray gun, food (preparing and consuming) i love movies...scary, funny, intense, action, artsy...driving, field hockey, swimming, skiing...i tried snowboarding once and that didn't go over so well...doodling, exciting clothes, crazy earings and such, value village...i also like to read for both learning and leisure purposes, and most importantly, i love dancing...
Billy Blanks!!
Since i have an ever growing list of music loves, i'll just stick to genre's: Jazz, Classical, Funk, Ska, 80's, classic rock, indie, alternative(?)
Hmmm...FIGHT CLUB, Labrynth, Grease, Garden State, Monsters Inc, The Holiday, Moulin Rouge, Finding Nemo, Resevoir Dogs, Saved!, Toy Story 2, Almost Famous, Ray, Finding Neverland, The Emperors New Groove, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, any Monty Python Movie, Save the Last Dance, Unleashed, Ghostbusters, Love Actually
Sex and the City,SCRUBS,Prisonbreak, Undergrads, WILL AND GRACE Everybody Loves Raymond...The Soprano's, House, Cheers...miss that one...HAPPY DAYS, I Love Lucy...all the shows i watched when i stayed home sick FULL HOUSE
Angels and Demons, Memoirs of a Geisha, Harry Potter series, In her Shoes, The Georgia Nicholson Books, The DaVinci Code, all Calvin and Hobbes, Confessions of a Shopaholic, i pretty much re-read everything i have once read over and over