Hey, I'm Katie, I'm just a normal girl (living in a normal world.. haha). But seriously, I just love everything about who I am. I'm usually happy, I try my best to remember things although I usually end up forgetting the most important things so for that, I'm sorry.. Yes, I'm annoying. And loud. And crazy.. But I also care about people heeaps, I would do anything for most people I know. I looove meeting new people so add me and give me a buzz anytime.
funniest thing of my life, courtesy of Mel:
You know how you said in 'about me' that if someone wants to talk at 3 in the morning just give you a buzzzzz? I'm gonna call you at 3 one morning. You'll probably tell me to fuck off and die. But I'll do it anyway. Just to prove a point.
Katie Green --
A hermit living in the big city
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com