Chel profile picture


Still Lost?!?!? Next time try a different road, stup!

About Me

Create Your Own!I have a beautiful family. My husband and our children are the air that I breathe. My sisters and brothers are mad cool, too. Mostly, you'll find my husband and I working or entertaining family and friends on the weekend. Sometimes, I can be a bit of a complianer, but I love me and all those who comprise "Who I am". To know me is to respect me...and to love me is to know me.......................................................... ..........................................................I don't wanna join the ban against hair weaves, I don't wanna cut no albums. I'm not here to fight no causes, but I'll join you if it makes sense, and I am definitely not into (Ima save that one cause it's just nasteeeee). I just wanna network and correspond with some interesting people here in space. ............................................................ ...................................................My biggest myspace question: What if we could only get along like this without a keyboard??? There are 119 million of us here. What the heck are we all doin' space? We gotta get out and love some folks.?!*!()In fact, go HUG your next door neighbor RIGHT NOW...GO AHEAD, RIGHT NOW!!! Let him borrow some damn sugar too!!! I'll wait!....................................................... .......................................................... OH..YEAH..ONE MORE THING...if I request you, don't think I'm tryna get at ya. I'm just being nice to some folks who look interesting. Trust, I am just having some fun!!! I love meeting and talking with creative and energetic people. You may live in my area, look familiar, your page may have looked interesting, or SHOO I may have just been surfing and FOUND YOU!!! If you're doin your "career tryna get started thingy", I probably dig what you're tryna accomplish. So just smile, click approve, and consider yourself - BLESSED!!!Smooches...and give my page some luv. Cause Ima surely stop by and say hey to you!!! Enjoy and welcome to MY PERSONAL SPACE. -Chel Hot Premade Layouts - Music Bands - Animals - Movies
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My Interests

I don't discriminate in my interests. I wanna know about EVERYTHING!!! I love that myspace is a platform to basically - speak--to--the--world!!! So, what cha wanna say, huh, huh, what cha wanna say?!? My Family.......
Create Your Own!"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."-Marianne Williams
Create Your Own!

I'd like to meet:

John F. Kennedy to ask, "who"?, Spike Lee to ask, "what"?, Bill Clinton to ask, "why"?, Oprah to ask "how", and Jesus to ask, "when and where"?


I love music that makes me feel good. Country, hip-hop, reggae, go-go, house, R & B -it's all the same to me. Since I'm talkin to um THE WORLD, I may as well be honest and say that I am a (clears throat)Beyonce, Usher, Fantasia and India Arie groupie. Let me not forget about Prince, the KING.


For the record, I think that CRASH is the BEST MOVIE EVER!!! And anything with Eddie Murphy is gonna be awesome!!!

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Reality JunK, CNN, Jeopardy, TV Land stuff


My Book "Factors Associated with Incidences of Stress-Related Illnesses among Middle-Income African American Women", and...

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My mom, my grandparents, my cousin Jaye, my sisters and brothers...You know what? Everyone in my circle is a hero, but my husband is the shis nit.
Get Deep (better)
Get Deep...
I LIVE: for my children!
I WORK: at my own pace!
I THINK: too hard!
I SMELL: like Dove and Bvlgari!
I LISTEN: to myself!
I HIDE: to avoid funky situations!
I WALK: the line!
I WRITE: to refrain from yelling!
I SEE: your true motives!
I SING: in the shower - ONLY!
I CAN: walk and chew bubble gum!
I WATCH: you watching me!
I DAYDREAM: to stay awake!
I FALL: for nothing!
I WANT: it all and then some!
I CRY: once a week, it's good for the soul!
I READ: your mind!
I LOVE: living and shoes!
I RODE: on a hovercraft in London!
I SOMETIMES: wish upon a star!
I FEAR: fear itself!
I HOPE: and pray for a better world!
I EAT: too late at night!
I DRINK: too much (sometimes)!
I MISS: each moment that makes me smile!
I FORGIVE: myself!
I DRIVE: way too fast!
I DREAM: in color!
I KISS: my babies everyday!
I HUG: my husband everyday!
I HAVE: funny looking fingers!
I REMEMBER: my first kiss!
I DON'T: like fingerwaves!
I BELIEVE: in miracles!
I OWE: my neighbor some cling wrap!
I KNOW: too much for my own good!
I HATE: that everything that lives must die!
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