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My names Matthew aka The Gay God ♥
I live in Hollywood, Which is in Cali
moved from Long Island New York...
I'm 5'11 and like 135lbs [oh yes so fat] I graduated from High School in 2005.
A year ahead of my original class!!! There not much to know...
I was born July 1st...I dont smoke and think
its like the number one turn off... and who needs alcohol
when you can be happy with the one you love?
Add me to your friends ♥
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( thats not where I live...sorry to burst your bubble
One day I'll make someone the happiest boy alive.
you all wait and see
baby dont be gentle
i can handle anything
"I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being." -Abraham Lincoln
"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth
as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." Albert Einstein
"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution.
Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages." -Thomas Edison
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -Mahatma Gandhi
"The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals
as they now look on the murder of men." -Leonardo da Vinci
"Stop demanding murder on a daily basis, It's unethical." -Matthew Lush
You’re not obligated to read this...
If any of my views or anything of that nature offends you, close the page.
I really don't care what you think about my views, cause they are just that: MY views. Yes, many people may have similar views, and that’s good for them. I'm proud of whoever you are.
Okay first off, I'm a vegan and I only date vegans/vegetarians. If you’re not a vegetarian, you’re stuck in the past. You might as well call yourself a homophobe or a stubborn Republican. You cannot be gay and call yourself a Republican, sorry, but you can't. Do some research if you do, idiot.
But yea, the shit they do to animals these days are uncalled for! It's the twenty first century; you don’t need meat to survive. And to all you "I'm an off vegetarian" fuck you. You’re a bunch of pussies, stop being retarded and stay veg! There’s no reason for you to go back and if there is, comment me about it... I'm sure I can find a way for you to work around it and stay veg.
If you support animal cruelty, you’re a cruel person.
Now for all the stupid people who say, "I don't kill it, I just eat it.†SUPPLY AND DEMAND, YOU FUCKING TART. You should of learned it in school, as demand increases, so does supply! Every time you eat meat, you’re supporting animal cruelty. If you eat fish, you’re not a vegetarian. Don't you dare say you are, cause you’re not. Not eating meat slims your chances at being overweight; there are a lot less overweight vegetarians then meat eaters. We live in an obese society; if you want to eat meat and get fat, then go die of a heart attack. Heart disease is the number one killer in America. Meat helps promote it, being vegetarian slims your chances dramatically.
Lets move on to the number two killer in America, cancer. My number one turn off is smokers, if you smoke, you’re gross. Bottom line. Like okay, I can see if you want to die slowly... but seriously, think of other people. Fucking think of me! Every time you smoke, think of how you’re supporting killing me. 50,000+ people die every year from second hand smoke. Most have never smoked a cigarette in their life, just like me. So don't just quit for yourself, quit for me, your family, your friends, and whoever else you’re killing indirectly, you fucker. My grandma weighed 40lbs at the time of her death, I had to watch week after week of her suffering, telling my mom "please get me out of here, and please help me Jeannie.†If only you people can see the huge baseball size tumor on her neck, and watch as she becomes hopeless to a disease that could of been fixed by not ever smoking. I really wish I could of made her quit. I really tried. I offered to buy my aunt nicotine packs as a little kid, because I care. I don't want something like that happening again to someone I love. Go watch someone you love die slowly in front of you and waste away. If you still pick up a cigarette after that, you need psychological help. Seriously. This subject is making me very upset, so I'm going to start talking about love.
I believe it’s possible to love anyone, male or female. I’m personally attracted to males and mostly everything about them, though I'm not narrow-minded. It is possible for me to fall in love with a girl. What are the chances? Slim to none, sorry girls. I believe love is love, no matter what race, gender, age etc. If you’re wondering if I had girlfriends, yes I have. Have I ever had strong feelings about them? Only Casey, and I had to push myself away, cause I know deep down, it's not what I wanted. I've had very few boyfriends, and I HATE sluts. Seriously, if being a welcome mat for STDs makes you happy, do whatever the fuck you want. Don't come running to me when your peeing blood, cause all I will say is "I told you so.â€
If you’re a virgin, I'm proud of you, and save it up for someone special. I went out with a boy for 2 years that cheated on me thirteen times. Don't ask me about it, I don't want to talk about it. I'd say about 90% of you have seen at least one pic of me and him kissing though, we were all over the internet.
To all those people who say I'm nothing but a "Myspace whore" you're wrong. I advertise for my groups, and my groups advertise for me. Now, the same people who support gay marriage, are helping stop animal cruelty, and stopping smoking... etc.
I really could care less if you think I'm conceited, you can't judge a book by its cover. I honestly don't like the way I look, but can say that I know, for some reason, people like the way I look. So I put that to good use and advertise for myself, which again, in return, advertises for a bunch of good causes.
I wish to someday be somebody. I'm self-motivated, and believe I could help thousands one day. Actually, I do help a lot of people. I get a lot of mail from people I help, and a lot from people telling me I'm just a stupid Myspace whore. Believe what you want. One day I got a letter that changed my life. Someone replied to one of my bulletins with an essay on how I saved their life. It was very touching, and practically gave me a reason to live. I want to help people; I believe I can help better this corrupting society.
We the people need to come together. The youth will one day be in charge. We need to accept change and whatever life throws our way. People need to stop being so narrow-minded and stubborn. Things change.
For example, homosexuals. The SAME thing happened fifty years ago with interracial marriage. It was strongly looked down upon by Republicans, and a lot of people never wanted it to happen. Look, it happened! I believe we need to show people it's okay to be gay. Once people get comfortable with seeing gay people holding hands, kissing, hugging, it will become normal and accepted easier.
I hate the LGBT people who believe "we shouldn’t rub it in their faces, if we just keep to ourselves, nothing will go wrong, and they will leave us alone.†I DON'T fucking want to be told I can't show my emotions just because I'm gay. I'm sorry but those LGBT people are wrong and need to stfu.
Like omgz did he really say that? I really could care less if you bitch about it; the fact is they're trying to suppress our emotions from the public. I believe if your gay, bi, or even straight, you should hold hands with someone of the same sex.
At first, wow, its a shocker, but you know what, they will get use to it. They really don't have a choice, what are they going to do? Commit a hate crime? Most likely not. That’s really all I have to say to you people at this time... you can support me, and my views, or you cannot. Just don't bitch if you don't.
*Update: Okay listen up people. You want more? Here it is:
I only eat organic and all natural food. I don't fill my body with harmful toxins unlike obese Americans. Like seriously, If your the type of person that goes to McDonalds everyday... Wow, lets not even go there tubby. To all you book readers, I would suggest reading "Natural Cures" by Kevin Trudeau. I personally do not take any perscription or synthetic non perscription medication. If its not organic and all natural, that shits not going in my body. All things like Advil do is hide the problem, If I was you I'd invest in organic remedies. Ones that have been proven to work for thousands of years that have been covered up by the FDA and your lousy ass government.
How did you get so many myspace friends Matthew? Oh, I don't know... Maybe its because I'm the leader of many popular groups, and people like what I stand for? Is that it? I believe so... Come on now people, could of answered that on your own... don't you think?
Oh yea, and I'm getting alot of mails/comments saying "But Matthew, my parents cook meat everyday, they don't support me being vegetarian." You think you have it bad? My mom would cook the meat in the spagetti sauce, and put chicken broth in the potatoes. Anything to try and get me to eat some form of animal. And guess what happened. I starved. If thats what it fucking takes, I want you to do it. Show them this isn't a phase, and that your serious about this shit. Don't let me down and say its to hard, cause it's not. Meat doesn't make the fucking world go round, get a grip.
If your so fond of the taste of flesh, go eat some babies with those other sick fucks in China.
( That is not directed at Chinese people in general, its the ones that eat babies and put pictures of it all over the internet )
Oh, and if you see someone faking me, could you go to the bottom of the page and click "contact myspace" and tell them about it, Thanks.
I hope you didn't expect that you'd get all the attention
Now lets not get selfish
Did you really think I'd let you kill this chorus?
is it still me that makes you sweat?
am i who you think about in bed?
Its really hard to keep up
with all the comments and the mails
so if I dont get to you... IM SORRY...
keep commenting and ill remember you
and ill reply back... BE PATIENT PEOPLE ♥
Can't take the kid from the fight, take the fight from the kid.
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