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Matthew Lush FREE DOWNLOAD!!!

About Me

When I was a little boy, one of my favorite stories was "The Little Engine that Could." In case you either don't know what that is or you've forgotten the story, here's a synopsis:A long line of train cars needed help being pulled over a hill because its own steam engine had broken down. As big, strong engines passed by, they were asked to help get the train to the other side of the hill. One by one, however, the big, strong engines turned down the plea for help. Finally a little steam engine came along and was asked if it could pull the train over the hill. "Yes, indeed!" said this little steam engine. "I'll be glad to help you, if I can." So the little engine started pulling... "Puff, puff! Chug, chug!"... and slowly the train cars began to climb the steep hill. And as they climbed, the little steam engine began to sing "I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can!" They made it over the hill and, as the happy little steam engine pulled the train down the other side, it sang "I-thought-I-could! I-thought-I-could! I-thought-I-could! I-thought-I-could! I-thought-I-could! I-thought-I-could! I-thought-I-could! I-thought-I-could!"That story was always inspirational to me, as it showed me that things could be accomplished with enough determination. And I like to think of that story when I set goals for myself and set out on a course to accomplish those goals.Sometimes I come off as being too unyielding in trying to get my message across. I'm a vegan and prefer a vegan lifestyle. I'm a non-smoker and have suffered family tragedies associated with smoking. I would like to see everyone adopt a vegan lifestyle and I'd like to see everyone quit smoking. I truly believe that we'd all be a lot healthier if we just did these two things.Perhaps you don't agree with me about these things. But please don't be too critical if I keep pounding away at you on these issues. If I didn't care about you I wouldn't try to change you.As I get older and, I hope, wiser, I find myself taking more of an interest in the global community. Watching various crises around the world make me feel so insignificant. The war in Iraq, the genocide in Darfur, natural disasters in the U.S., Myanmar and China... what's a person to do? Well, chances are, as frustrating as it is, there's nothing that you or I can do about such tragedies.But I am learning that there are areas where a person, with help from lots of friends, can actually make a difference. That's why I've begun to set new goals for myself to do what I can to make the world a better place. As Robert F. Kennedy said, "Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not."People wonder if there is a point to accumulating hundreds of thousands of MySpace friends. Is it just an ego thing or is there a reason? Well I can't answer for everyone but I'm determined to show that there is a reason for my doing it.To this end, I've begun to undertake projects such as my association with to raise money for Charity: Water. Through thousands of my friends signing up for SocialVibe, we raised thousands of dollars which will provide clean drinking water for thousands of children in Africa. And this is just the beginning. So please forgive me if go on and on about my beliefs and my various causes. I'm not doing it to irritate you. I'm just determined to try to change the things I can, and I need your help to do it."I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can! I-think-I-can!"

My Interests


Member Since: 28/10/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Matthew Lush


Record Label: Lushious Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Here's your free download of a DEMO I did!DOWNLOAD 1DOWNLOAD 2DOWNLOAD 3hope you love it!xoxo Matthew
Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 13:34:00 GMT


Here's your free download of a DEMO I did!DOWNLOAD 1DOWNLOAD 2DOWNLOAD 3hope you love it!xoxo Matthew
Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 13:34:00 GMT


Here's your free download of a DEMO I did!DOWNLOAD 1DOWNLOAD 2DOWNLOAD 3hope you love it!xoxo Matthew
Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 13:34:00 GMT


Here's your free download of a DEMO I did!DOWNLOAD 1DOWNLOAD 2DOWNLOAD 3hope you love it!xoxo Matthew
Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 13:34:00 GMT


Here's your free download of a DEMO I did!DOWNLOAD 1DOWNLOAD 2DOWNLOAD 3hope you love it!xoxo Matthew
Posted by on Tue, 07 Apr 2009 17:44:00 GMT