About Me
The names Raul Christopher Garibay Mendoza the second. Tall dark and handsome =>. Established July 2, 1992. Act like you knw. BRANDS - [Aeropostale, Bullhead, Vans, Nike] My Faces: =] happy. => happy! =D HAPPY!! =[ sad. =< sader. =[ Mad. ;=/ say what? =/ i dont like that. =o oh snap! XD idk? =p licked bitch! ;] hey sexy! =* beso! Bad habits: biting nails opening the fridge =/ looking in the mirror =p. I have one big sister one lil sister and one lil brother damn they can get under my skin lol. Fav color bluu, Num 10, animal lion (rawr) king of the jungle. I'M 5'11. A sophomore at AHS (cats,cats,cats.) An asmetic =]. Into Sports. Nice. Ambitious. Funny. Attractive. Sweet. Confident. Strong. Outgoing dude not really shy. Afraid of heights =/. Never really home =/. My rooms always a mess. Play football, basketball, and run trak =]. [Triple Threat] Never bakk down =D. Can dance =p. Hate fakes =[. Love Yo. . .