If there is one thing for sure that I love to do, its definately the music. Regardless of what genre I write, I just love to write anything that is fucking creative. Some people may think its good while some dont but thats all cool with me. My view is that if you like what you are hearing, please continue to listen, but if you dont then dont waste your damn time looking at this page. This is me and how I am. I've been in and out of bands ever since I had picked up my first Fender Strat, when I was thirteen. Some of them have been sucessful then then decided to go ways and respected that. I still play with them today and they are a bunch of cool people. I have been influenced by my father who has been playing basically all his life.
Music has always been a part of me ever since elementary school. Played the trombone for a good 75% of my education and still have to say it kicked ass. Had some of the days where I hated it and thought to myself " What the hell am I doing with this?" And then there were the days where I looked at other people playing their parts and thought "wow...sucks to be you!" Im currently a part of three awesome bands:
Unspoken Hero (check the music here www.myspace.com/unspokenhero)
So basically in a nutshell I love music. I already have an album out "This is Me and the Other Side of Me" available for anyone who wants a copy or available for download off of the internet or CD's or your girlfriend's iPod, maybe even steal it from your best friend or whatever. Got plenty of them for nothing! Music is Life and Life is worth living my friends