About Me
I enjoy reading and spend a good bit of time in study. I am very passionate about politics, the Great Conspiracy, the Christian faith, and the Southern people. I detest those who believe we were born into the world for their slaves; to be whipped and spurrred in the direction they would have us go. Thus I have no use for Internationalists, greedy corporations that see people as "human resources," government bureaucrats who think the the taxpayer exists to provide them with a job, Communists, Socialists, Marxist-Leninists, Trotskyites, or National Socialists. I abhor bigotry. I am not ashamed of being white, but I do not see my skin colour as the primary definition of who I am. There are many white cultures. As far as pride in being white, well, that is like having pride in being hairy or tall or stubby. I take pride in the achievements and culture of the Southern society, for the label "Southern" comes closer to defining what I am that does "white." Moreover, "Southerners" don't all have the same skin colour. One is a Southerner when he identifies with the history, culture, and folk ways of the South. In short Southerners are white, black, Jewish, Native American, and Oriental. With whom do I better identify: a black Southerner who shares my ways or some white city slicker who mocks my people and the way I talk? Bigotry makes no sense to me. At the same time, we have a right to free association. If someone chooses not to associate with certain people, that is his business. It is a personal decision, not one imposed by the state. Thus I oppose government-forced segregation or desegregation. Obviously I would not support using the principle of the right of free association to disenfranchise anyone of his God-given rights. For example, if something is a public service, then it must be opened to all since it is (in theory anyway) owned by the whole of society; but in all other dealings let the choice remain with the individual. I am committed to politics on the human scale. Local control and states' rights. I believe in the republican system of government (not the party) rather than the democratic form of government (mobocracy). I believe the United States has become an empire that throws its considerable weight around primarily in the direction of weaker nations with resources the Washington regime would like to control, and upon citisens who refuse to be good little sheeple. Clearly the liberty of the people of this land is diminished daily. How do we stop the erosion of our liberties and restore those already gone? In a word, DEVOLUTION. That is to say, power must be taken away from Washington and restored to locally controlled republics. The Greek philosophers understood it was nearly impossible to maintain a republican form of government if that government was not local and small. Despite the ideas of Hume, wherein he postulated that a large republic could be maintained, I believe the experience of the American people has proven the Greek thinkers correct. Small local government is the most conducive to liberty. Thus if we are to know true liberty in this land once again, we must seek to wrest power from Washington and place it back into local hands. Most likely this will require the American empire be broken up into smaller political units. In the case of Southerners, I believe that we are still culturally, politically, and socially homogeneous enough so that we could better assure our liberties as an independent confederation of sovereign states. Historically, Southerners have been criticised for their individualistic tendencies. Over time the Southerner's call for "local control," and "states' rights" has come to be viewed as the desire to maintain a social and political system restrictive upon minority citisens; in particular Black Southerners. Although there are those bigoted toward black Southerners, I would not agree that this is the general feeling among white Southerners. In fact I believe blacks and whites get along better in the South than in other parts of the country, especially in the urban areas of the North. The majority of the black population in America currently lives in the South, and in the last fifteen years there has been a large influx of blacks moving South from the North. Clearly, blacks understand that there is opportunity for them in the South. Do blacks want liberty? Do blacks want control of their government? Of course they do. Thus local control is just as viable a concept for blacks as for whites, for local control means the same thing to both: greater liberty. If there is anywhere on earth where blacks and whites can live together in peace, it is in the South; especially an independent South. It would seem that the day of liberty is far off. Perhaps the South shall be as Ireland, 700 years in getting her liberty from an empire. Thus it behooves the man who desires freedom to do certain things for himself and his family to secure the highest level of liberty possible within the current paradigm. Since the system is altogether corrupt, I suggest that personal secession is the most practical step for any American who wants freedom for his family and self. Personal secession means unplugging from the corruption as much as possible. Homeschooling, alternative or home churches, freeholding of the land, debt-free living, and self-employment. Anything that reduces the corrupting influences of society, and your dependence upon it, is good. Note to myspace friends and potential friends: While I support your right to free self-expression, I would rather you not request that I approve vulgar or semi-pornographic comments to my blog or profile. Many thanks to everyone who has added me to their friends list.
Luther Trailer: Once viewed as a demon heretic and terrorist by the power lords of Europe, Dr. Martin Luther dared to question the practices of the mother Church. When called into question for his views, Luther refused to recant. Common people all over Germany agreed with Luther's interpretation of the Gospel and it's message of faith. It was because of Luther's leadership that the reformation was begun and the windows of religious liberty were thrown open. Today, over 500 million people consider themselves to be part of this reformation.
You Can Get The DVD HERE .
911 Road To Tyranny: Radio personality and documentary film maker Alex Jones provides us with one of the earliest and one of the best overviews of 11 September 2001. Additionally, Alex addresses some of the big questions surrounding the OKC bombing.
Ruby Ridge: This documentary covers the 1992 Federal Siege of the Weaver Home at Ruby Creek Idaho in 1992. Interviews with Weaver father Randy Weaver, and daughter Rachel.
Waco - A New Revelation: One of best documentaries I have seen on the subject of Waco.
Waco - A New Revelation Part 2
Behind The Green Curtain: Blows back the green veil hiding the environmental movement. It reveals a dark, cynical reality of the movement unconcerned about nature and the environment. It focuses on the mega-foundations and the financial elite behind them. Learn about their hidden agenda of power, control and the goal of eliminating private property altogether!