Music, movies, outdoorsie shhhtuff (camping, canoeing, volleyball, frisbee, burning stacks of pallets until the field next door catchs fire and spreads to poor ol Granny's shack I DIN'T MEAN A DO IT GRANNY!! I WUZ JUST COLD N WANTED SOME FIRE. YOU KNOW HOW COLD IT GETS ON THOSE ARKANSAS SUMMER NIGHTS!!!!!)I also enjoy demonic sacrifice, Amish history, pillaging and flower arranging.It's too bad close minded people don't close thier mouths. I saw that on a bumper sticker._________________________
Stoner Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
Phish!!! I hate fucking Phish!!!! "Jerry's dead & Phish sux, get a job ya damned hippies!!!" Come to think of it I hate the mother mcfuckin Care Bears too!!!!
How the hell did this damned thing get on here. If it wasn't for the pot leaf on his belly and what he (kinda) stands for, I would have to kick that pansie bears ass!!!
The original Bullwinkle....and I don't mean the cheap computer animated movie one either!! Maybe a long haired leaping gnome.....nah...gnomes are over rated.
Heavy & hard rock, classic style rock (you know...50's, 60's, 70's, 80's), mellow rock, classical (Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, etc.), some rap, some jazz, some pop, some funk, some country.....ok I could go on forever here. I like all friggin kinds of music. It is especially kool to find local and regional bands that jam to me liking.
The Simpsons, King of the Hill, documentaries, Chapelle Show, and just about anything on Adult Swim (except for that crappy "Tom Goes to the Mayor")
Venom, Spider-Man, and anything else with really kool art work.
Anybody that has ever successfully made it all the way through life without EVER thinking,"Oh fuck, fuck this, or what the fuck?!?!?!" img src=""