About Me
Dani FIlth fan pageThis is a fan page dedicated to my all time favorte singer and band.
I am in no way connected with Dani Filth or the band Cradle Of Filthdani bio:
Born in Hertford, England 25th July, 1973. That makes me 31. Star sign Leo, passion sign Aries.Live in Suffolk, England with my girlfriend of 14 years, Toni and my daughter Luna Scarlett.
Mother: Susan Janet Moore.
Father: Lawrence John Davey.
Two sisters: Amanda (28) and Rachel (25).
Younger brother: Phillip (22).
Bands prior to C.O.F:
The Lemon Grove Kids, PDA, Carnival Fruitcake, Feast On Excrement.Formed C.O.F in 1991 with previous/devious guitarist Paul.R and bassist John Pritchard. Little known fact; A full album was recorded in 1992 entitled 'Goetia' for Tombstone recs, but payment for the studio time was not forthcoming from the label for the recording, therefore the album tape masters were eventually wiped by the studio! This was probably for the best although i really do miss the time-immemorial opus 'Spattered In Faeces'.Other noticeable pastimes aside from trying to
hold some semblance of a normal life together:Socialising, dining out, sightseeing, castles, horror/dark fantasy movies, shopping, driving my cars, 19th century ghost novels, sleeping with my girlfriend, collecting weird paraphenalia/antiques/masks/toys, football/cricket, Spongebob on the Xbox, amusing my daughter,designing stuff/brainstorming sessions, Heironymous Bosch, Egyptian artefacts, infrequent skateboarding, India and recreational drugs.
Favourite food/drink:Seafood, Full English breakfast and a legendary Sunday roast, Medium-rare steak, Oreo icecream, chicken tikka masala, Italian, Space Raider pickled onion crisps, Parma violet sweets, junk food, thickly filled sandwiches/new york deli baps and rolls ten inch thick. Oh and more seafood! Prawns, mussels, crab, lobster, cockles the lot....
Drink:Vanilla milkshakes, tea, good coffee, ribena, root beer. Alcoholic- Guiness, wine, absinthe, pernod and black, Belgian beers, Jaegermeister, brandy, irish coffees made with the works.
Urban sprawls/lack of trees, normality, obnoxious people, stupid fucking questions like these!