Heather <):o) profile picture

Heather &lt;):o)

Shut up and dance

About Me

I am living my dream thanks to my wonderful hubby. No more 30 mile commutes, traffic jams, deadlines, or people telling me what to do. I admit, I do miss the lattes and the occasional adult conversation but you won't find a desperate housewife here, just a domestic goddess blessed with insanely gorgeous offspring. Ok, OK...I'm still working on the domestic part... ..This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor how smart are you
flat out genius

Ok, theres not much I can say here accept congratulations! There is noone smarter than you. Well, except the few others who made it here. I mean Im just gonna leave it at that. Im sure your much too above what I could say.

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My Interests

My kids and anything fun!
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I'd like to meet:

The Dali LamaI'm the 57,864,434 richest person on earth!

Discover how rich you are!


Love it all. I have everything you can think of on my ipod.


Getting bored with movies. Can't they come up with anything new? Stop regurgitating Shakespeare people!


O.K., I admit, I'm a TIVO junkie. How I ever survived without it, I'll never know.


Mostly Dr. Seuss these days but who doesn't love that?The current household favorites are "Richard Scary's Biggest Word Book Ever" and by the same author, "What do People Do all Day" I think I've read them each at least twice a day for the past two weeks.


Anyone who has faced their fears.

My Blog

I love my life

I love my live and I love being happy!  I'm so lucky!
Posted by Heather <):o) on Mon, 14 May 2007 11:01:00 PST