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the Jinn

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About Me

Assalamu alaikum/Assalaamu `ala man ittaba`a al-huda!!
Ever play with an ouija board, dabble with magick, see strange lights in the sky, live in a haunted house, run into a shadow person or a spirit or a weird light or an alien or a reptilian or a black dog or some otherwordly creation that modern science can't explain? If you have and you aren't mentally ill, then you've experienced the jinn.
Jinn are real.
They do not live in lamps nor do they grant three wishes. Not all jinn are devils, either (it's unfortunate that some certain religious groups believe that as there are jinn who have the exact same religion as them!).
Jinn live on earth.
The world of the jinn is an independent and separate world, with its own distinct nature and features that are hidden from the world of humans. The word jinn comes from an Arabic root meaning "hidden from sight".
There are special places that one may find them in abundance and on a regular basis. These are deserts, ruins, places of impurities such as dunghills, bathrooms and graveyards. They live in houses of human beings too.
Iblis, who is the most evil of creation, and is also a jinni (if not the first jinni) has his throne on the ocean.
There are several kinds of jinn.
Among them are some who can take on different forms such as dogs and snakes; some who are like flying winds with wings; and some who can travel and rest. Abu Tha`labah al-Khushni says that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says: “The jinn are of three types: a type that has wings and they fly through the air; a type that looks like snakes and dogs; and a type that stops for a rest then resumes its journey.” (Reported by At-Tahawi in Mushkil Al-’Athar).
They are often referred to in Arabic by different names depending on their abilities. An `amir (resident) is used to meant that he is one of those who live with people. Shaytan (devil) is used for a jinni who is malicious and has become wicked. 'Ifrit is used for a jinni who is stronger and more powerful than a shaytan.
Every individual among the sons of Adam has a jinn who has been appointed to be his constant companion. This is called a qareen (companion). It knows everything about the general life of its human companion. Often, it is a shaytan (devil) who whispers for its human companion to do evil. When its human companion dies it can easily pretend to be the deceased's spirit.
Jinn are intelligent.
They share with man certain qualities like intellect, discrimination, freedom and the power to choose between truth and falsehood, right and wrong, good and evil.
Jinn have many abilities.
They have powers and capabilities that are beyond mans'. One of them is their extraordinary power of movement. Another, at least for the 'ifreet, is extraordinary strength. They also possess the ability to change forms, whether the form be that of an animal, human or something else entirely.
Skills they are known for include architectural feats and mining. It is speculated that they also possess a generally superior technology. One person explained to the medieval scholar Ibn Taymiyyah, "They would bring the speech of the one who was seeking my help to me and I would respond and they would take my speech back to that person."
Another ability of theirs, which gives them a bad reputation, is their power to possess humans, especially during intercourse. They can also possess animals and inanimate objects.
Most shocking of all is their ability to go into space to retrieve knowledge of the future. When this happens, they are pelted with asteroids and/or shooting stars.
Jinn have personal lives.
They eat, drink, marry, procreate (they are not asexual) and die in a manner that befits them. They also have their own animals, which differ from what is in the human realm. Like humans, they have different cultures, beliefs and religions, which include Islam. The Muslim jinn in the past have been known for their piety and insight.
For more information, visit these websites:
Introduction to the Qur'an's chapter on Jinn
The Qur'an's Chapter on Jinn
The World of Jinn
Tara's World of Islam: Jinn
Jinn According to the Qur'an and Sunnah
Concept of Djinn/Jinn/Ghosts/Genie in Islam
What are Jinn?
The Jinn
For more information on Islam, the only religion that explains the majority of paranormal phenomena and the origins of many cultural beliefs, check out: Islam Guide: A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam .
Cool MySpace layouts available at Tower Codes
MySpace profile was edited with Tower Codes

My Interests

Jinn, al jinn, genies, snakes, dogs, aliens, ufos, spirits, ghosts, paranormal, vampires, chupacabras, mythology, folklore, nagas, reptilians, occult, Islam, supernatural, the unknown, fairies, sidhe, trolls, demons, devils, creatures, werewolves, werecreatures, magic, forbidden archaeology, hollow earth theory, space, advanced technology, astronomy, divs

I'd like to meet:

Kind humans, jinn, Muslims and anyone who's willing to open their mind to their existence.


The Theif of Baghdad, Aladdin (and its sequels), Arabian Nights (TV Miniseries), Wishmaster (and its sequels), V, Fire in the Sky, Marebito, Long Time Dead, Starman

And many, many more...


I Dream of Jeanie, A Haunting, Ghost Hunters, anything on the Sci-Fi Channel


Qur'an, Arabian Nights

My Blog

Book You Can Skip - How to Protect Yourself from Jinn & Shaytaan

Before I begin I have to admit that I have not read the entirety of How to Protect Yourself From Jinn & Shaytaan by Waheed Abdussalam Baly, but that is partially because what I was reading was so ...
Posted by the Jinn on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 10:00:00 PST

Ayat al Kursi - Arabic, transliteration and English (if anyone needs it)

Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Allahu la illaha illa hu Wal Hayyul Qayyum La te huzuhu sinetun wala nawmun Lahu ma fissemawati wa ma fil'ardi Men thallathiy yeshfe'u indehu illa biznih Ya'lemu ma b...
Posted by the Jinn on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 06:41:00 PST

Protection from Evil Jinn (Shayateen) -- Lots of Information

Actions & Precautionary MeasuresDo not stay in the state of impurity for a prolonged period. Perform salaah five times daily; Constant rememberance of Allah through zikr (the heart of a zakir is a...
Posted by the Jinn on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 06:31:00 PST

Jinn Kidnapping Humans

Question : I have heard many stories about the jinn kidnapping human beings. I read a story which said that a man of the Ansaar (may Allaah be pleased with him) went out to pray Ishaa and the jin...
Posted by the Jinn on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 11:23:00 PST