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ahhh..........luv~*~*~*My Sweet Ride
I Would Like To Meet Happiness...
First, let me say that I thoroughly enjoy meeting new people- it's always an adventure! Shady people suck... and people that do not know how to respect others boundaries suck too. If you suck at life- I most likely do not want to meet you ;p
*HINT HINT* I'm a Sucker For Blue Eyes!!...
I want to meet someone who is passionate about whatever their heart is set on....their dreams........I want someone to hold my hand and think its the best thing in the world......I want to meet some one who, that every time i trip and fall they say..."That is why I love this girl so much..."........Give me kisses… and give me loving…..
I want my dream guy to be my best friend in the entire world......i want to wake up in the morning and find my car vandalized with lovely things like flowers and "I love You's" and then 5 bucks to clean it want to be able to talk to someone and not have to say a word, and still feel like its the greatest conversation of my life..........
I want to meet a guy that has random thoughts of loveliness and would care to share them with me.....I want to meet a dreamer....we can dream together......I want someone there to be there for me when im down in the dumps or high in the clouds..... i want to meet someone that will think im the greatest thing since sliced bread.........I want a fairy tale ending.......I want to have a life like all the movies, with out being in a movie.......Nice guys can finish last, but they always finish with the best of all............I want to believe Im living in a dream......listen to me ...........I Want To Listen To You.Dream on, Dreamer....
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Anything with a good beat and a deep message
Anything with Angelina Jolie....