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About Me

First of all I have a wonderful son named Hunter! He is my life!! Family is the most important thing to me. I have been blessed with a very loving close family! We enjoy going to the lake, camping, and just spending time together. I currently met a WONDERFUL man and we have been together for 2 1/2 months now. We have known each other for about 8 months and just started dating! I finally have met someone that I can laugh and enjoy life with! He has a wonderful personality and makes me smile everytime I talk to him or we are together! He has 2 wonderful children 15 and 11. We all have alot of fun when we are together! Not only am I extremely happy with my life but seeing my child as happy as I am when Eddie is here makes my life that much more wonderful!!! girls layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments

My Interests

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I enjoy country music and hip hop. We love to roll the windows down in the car and put the music as loud as possible.
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Chick Flicks, Chick Flicks, Chick Flicks......If your a chick you know what I mean
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My most favorite television show is Young and the Restless. I also enjoy watching just about all reality shows.


I don't really read much!! If I read it is mainly to Hunter and he has tons of books.


My Parents are my heroes! They have done a great job in raising all of us and I want to be just like them!!! I could not ask for better parents!!!!

My Blog

Update on Hunter and I

Normally I don't write much on these blogs but I am bored and thought what the heck!  Just a little update on what's going on in mine and Hunter's life!  Wow it's been a busy one lately!&nbs...
Posted by Annisha on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 06:56:00 PST

Moving on with my life!!

Well as most everyone know I am officially single again!  Although after 3 years it's tough to make change I know where I was before this relationship and I know where I will be a month from now!...
Posted by Annisha on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 03:23:00 PST

"Powerhouse" is now a football player

Yep I am insane!  I enrolled powerhouse in flag football yesterday!  To think that my baby is going to be out there with a bunch of other mad boys fighting over one ball just annoys me like ...
Posted by Annisha on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 08:15:00 PST