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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Who am I?
Jewels Specifications: Format: Net-geek. Computer Addict. Girl gamer. Energetic when drum & bass, french house or original flowetry and hip hop kicks in. Key word here being ORIGINAL.

Work Specifications:
I have something to do with JIVE Magazine . Just what exactly is is an ongoing evolution. I confess to have mounds of CDs on my desk that nag me on a daily basis to be listened to and reviewed. I am eternally behind on the task.I am also a freelance writer. I write consumer advice editorials, anecdotal escapades, and observations on life.
What do I do? What do I like?

I like to write. This does NOT mean I write particularly well, but that I write well enough to matter to some, or bad enough to be critiqued by others. I do know that I write "well" enough to have people focus or make people care. Either way is fine with me.

I paint on very large canvases when I can find a moment to myself.
I write poetry and perform spoken word and SLAM. I have completed my first volume of poems and will provide more info about this as the publishing deal comes together.
I like my privacy. This means I screen my calls and probably won't answer the door if I'm not expecting anyone.
I live with my husband (a photographer) who was featured as a sort of example in the cover story, "The State of the American Man" showcased in Esquire Magazine, July 2006.
We live in metro Atlanta, in an old house converted into a photography studio for most of its square footage. In other words, futons ftw.
We are the property of five dogs - four mutts and one pedigree Siberian Husky named Nanook after the dog in the movie, The Lost Boys.
I am a vegetarian, I practice Ital , and I believe in
ABOUT COMMENT POSTINGS: There is absolutely no need to post a comment here because I do not have comments shown due to the incredible amount of spamming that was going on. If you want a feature or free publicity, please refer to this link: How to get exposure on a small budget. If you actually have a valid (non-spam)message for me, please use the message system in lieu of posting a comment I would never read. Also, please give me some time to respond. I get so many messages I can barely keep up.
A mini-portfolio - Here are examples my work:
On music - interviews and articles I have written or prefaced:
Karl Hyde, on Underworld: An Autobiographical Poetry
Paul Van Dyk: There’s Much More To This World Than Just a Party
Advanced D&B: The Dieselboy Interview
JunkieXL - Mass Consumption
Bassnectar: Message in the Music
Baron and Pendulum: The Final Frontier of Everything
Christoper Lawrence : Mirror of Inspiration
Hybrid: "Music that isn't disposable"
Planet of the Drums 2007 Recap - "drum and bass isn’t just dance music, it is a way of life"
Second Sun: Inside Out - Plus Q & A with Tiffany & Second Sun
DJ Ian James : Pleasing the Early Crowd
Consumer advice and editorial:
When it Comes to Your Car, a Little Lovin? May Work Both Ways
The Mobile Pet Doctor is In
Why on Earth Would I Ever Hire a Maid Service?
Political or cultural arenas - dare to explore...
Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate Michael Badnarik
"You're A Great American!" or was that "ABB!"?
Artists, authors, or actors I have chatted with:
Richard K. Morgan: The New King of Cyberpunk Fiction
Sketching a Fable - Interview with Artist Jo Chen
"A Very Different Place" - Anime Voice Actor Crispin Freeman
Some of my most esoteric contemplations:
But in the end, they're still nothing more than video games
The Nuisance of Thinking: Booklists and Alien Jesus
On Kerouac and the Problematic Issue of the Dirty Anus
The scene is dead. Long live the scene?
In My Day I Surfed the Net Uphill Both Ways In the Snow!
Getting Back Your Creative Soul
Gifts That Last A Lifetime
Once Upon a Time, at a Rave Far Far Away
Albums I tend to recommend on a regular basis to people I've just met. Of course this will change as I evolve, ever changing, ever seeking.

Shihan - The Poet

Saul Williams

Dieselboy - Sixth Sesson

C. Lawrence - Subculture

bassnectar - messmerizing the ultra

Sergio Mendes & Brazil 66 - Fool on the Hill

William Orbit - Strange Cargo III

Talvin Singh - OK

Patrice Rushen - Best of

Josh Wink - HearHear

Massive Attack - Mezzanine

Earth Wind & Fire - Gratitude

My Interests

I mix up a special smoothie recipe every day. Into a bucket I blend copious amounts of music, several cups of art, many liters of literature, and a tablespoon overflowing with inner spirituality. Finally, I top this off with passion fruit and more than a sprinkle of nuts. This is my daily dose of nutrients that will forever keep me young at heart and eccentric enough to make people wonder (hence the nuts).

I'd like to meet:

Let's change the question because "meeting" people is overrated. Who do I dig? Who should I avoid?
I like WRITERS (words or vision, bombs or tags, spoken or scripted, imagined or pondered) , ARTISTS, MUSICIANS, singers, painters, radio show hosts, publicists (because they make me laugh at their whimsical ways).
I like sculptors, sketchers, actors, anarchists, dancers, poets, lyricists, veterinarians and people who watch Adult Swim.
I like people who can hold an intelligent conversation with me about Nina Simone or Friedrich Hayek.
I like producers. It doesn't matter what you produce, but just that you PRODUCE something of your very own design.
I like geeks. I like computer programmers, game coders, net admins, computer science and hardware engineers. I like webmasters, developers and people who can model 3D animation.
I like Anime voice actors, real estate agents, dog groomers, and people who wear hot dog suits and wave at people driving by on the side of the road.
I like people who play music for other people (DJs). Why? Because they love music. It doesn’t matter what music either. However, I do think Ms. Fran has a point...

"If you are a disc jockey, kindly remember that your job is to play records that people will enjoy dancing to and not to impress possible visiting disc jockeys with your esoteric taste. People generally enjoy dancing to songs that have words and are of reasonable length. Sixteen minute instrumentals by West African tribal drummers are frequently the cause of undue amyl nitrate consumption and shirt removal." - Fran Lebowitz

I like guys who wear banana suits but I try to stay away from people in chicken suits - go figure...
I like people who love to play video games. I do not like people who blame the problems of the world on video games. We are responsible for our own actions. Just because I may play World of Warcraft, I do not want to shoot anyone with arrows for kicks in Atlanta. I have been known to stealth on occasion at clubs however.
I do not like to spend more than a second looking at a really crappy myspace page. C'mon people and turn those busy, net circa 1990, fugly backgrounds off! My eyes are still burning from some of your my(blinding)space pages.
I like people who have manners. Good old-fashioned manners. We’ll start with “Thank You” and “Please” and “May I?”.
I adore people who know the difference between "it's" and "its".
I like Japanese and UK teenagers because they are incredibly "cool". I think the word "cool" is over-used in everyday conversation.
I like MCs and poets who really have something to SAY.
I like people who tell me about life through lyricism and fill me up with seething inspiration.
I like people who believe in soulmates and love at first sight. I like hopeless romantics. I like spiritual people and philosophers.
I like women with gorgeous inner strength, and I adore men with fascinating sensitivity.
I usually like people who are nice to me. I'm easy like that.


Absolutely. May I have seconds please?
Renaissance (ren·ais·sance) - 1. A rebirth or revival. 2. A revival of intellectual or artistic achievement and vigor 3. The period of such a revival.


The oddity, the strange, the exotic and the imaginative will catch my attention. Science Fiction, Anime, dark and intriguing Horror, Asian and Art flicks will do. If it's anything else it better be an indie film or produced by the Cohen Brothers. It may also have to be serious screen actor’s guild or Cannes Film Festival material. I could give a flamingo’s ass if it's Oscar or Golden Globe material quite frankly.

By the way, I've been told by a wise gypsy who did my reading recently that I was male in the most recent previous life.


The Sci-Fi Channel, The History Chan, Discovery Times, Sundance, IFC and Adult Swim. These are my only reasons for paying Comcast each month for cable TV. I keep up with BSG, Heroes, and basically any well produced sci-fi, horror and fantasy show. For a reality fix, I watch true-crime shows like The First 48 . This show scares the hell out of me more than any fictional horror ever could.


I think of reading books as food for my soul. It's often a five course meal at a little hole-in-the-wall place around the way.

Examples of the menu picks:

For starters, I'll have some philosophy like Physics of the Soul: The Quantum Book of Living, Dying, Reincarnation and Immortality and other quazi-religious works for an appetizer.

Then let's start off the main course with hardcore Science Fiction like The Light of Other Days by Arthur C. Clarke, Stephen Baxter .

I'll pass on the cheese please.

From the Wine List I'll usually pick ethnic works like When the Elephants Dance by Tess Uriza Holthe or the life of an eccentric artist like Frida : A Biography of Frida Kahlo .

If I'm particularly feeling wounded, I relate my life to stories such as The Robber Bride by Margaret Atwood .

Add a bit of Mythological Horror like Imajica by Clive Barker or Bitten by Kelly Armstrong as side dishes please.

I'll have quite a bit of diverse poetry for desert. Anything from Verses That Hurt : Pleasure and Pain from the POEMFONE Poets to The Collected Poems of Sylvia Plath will be tasty enough for me.

Bon Appétit!


The heroes of the world are those people who do so much for so many, yet get the least recognition for it. Because of this I'd like to honor anyone who has ever given so selflessly that they put the needs, hopes and dreams of another person above their own, and in the process, succeed in helping someone have a better life, a better world, a better outlook.

Do not misunderstand me please. There is a very fine line to walk between living vicariously through someone else and actually believing in and helping someone live their dreams. One is a constant temptation; the other is true and unconditional generosity.

The heroes of the world want the least recognition and the most happiness for other people and the plants and animals on this planet. The true heroes believe all life is sacred above and beyond politics, recreational requirements, or rudimentary periodic philosophy, aka "religion". It is those who follow this path of selflessness that will be the five (thousands of?) people to be met in heaven, that is, if we make it there ourselves. Don't cross your fingers. I'm not.

Interesting thought isn't it? Getting "into" Heaven I mean. And why is Heaven capitalized? Is it a true place like a city on a map?

If we are trying to get into Heaven, are we living our lives selflessly enough to do so? Whether Heaven is a place above the clouds with trumpeting angels and a dood named Jesus hanging out giving some Spoken Word, or whether Heaven is just being remembered for your life's work, it's all the same in a way isn't it?

What if there is no heaven or hell?

Are there still any real heroes if heaven or hell does not exist?

My Blog

Whats Goin On? v4.0 [a la voki]

Click here to comment on this Voki.Get a Voki now! What's Goin' On v. 4.0Click the play button for this audio reading I recently did.What's goin' on? I'm thinking&wondering&I'm speaking& ...
Posted by Jewels on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 08:32:00 PST

Nothing to see here. Move along.

I don't blog personal stuff here. Those of you who know where I blog know where I blog.
Posted by Jewels on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST