BIOGRAPHYJason van Wyk born on 10th January 1990 hails from Cape Town, South Africa.Jason has always had a great passion for music and at the tender age of seven was introduced toElectronic Dance Music for the first time when he listened to Paul van Dyk’s – Seven Waysalbum. This proved to be great inspiration for him. It was something different and gave him afeeling that he had not experienced before, from there on he knew this was what he wanted to dowith his life – compose & produce music.Jason started by paying attention to the music around him and began building a healthy recordcollection, over time his understanding for the music improved, which eventually led to himgetting involved with DJ’ing. By the age of nine he could be found behind the decks at houseparties & school functions. However it wasn’t long before word spread and one of his demo mixesended up in the hands of a local Cape Town promoter who loved what he heard and booked himstraight away for an upcoming event - Jason made his club debut at Hard Candy aka TheValve in Cape Town when he was thirteen. That same year, Jason found himself making hisradio debut when he appeared on Derek The Bandit’s World of Dance Show (5FM) with athirty-minute guestmix. Word soon spread of the new kid on the block and it wasn’t long until hefound himself on the radio again this time with an hour guestmix on UCT Radio’s Come DownMonday.Music Production began for Jason with music software programs such as EJay & Music 2000.He soon mastered both and it wasn’t too long before he stepped up his production and began usingmore recognized production platforms such as FL Studio & ReBirth. It wasn’t long beforehe was churning material out of the studio and crafting his own sound with newer and bettersoftware. He mailed his first Demo to Gallo Records/RPM Dance at eleven years old. A few weekslater he received a reply from the Label Manger at RPM, the demo was not to be signed howeverthe label boss was very impressed and offered him words of encouragement as it was evident theyoung man from Cape Town was on the right path.At the age of fourteen, Directions was released through Gallo Records under theSound Craft alias. The single was a success and featured on the Needle DamageVol.3 CD Compilation. It also gained great support with South African DJ’s both in the clubsand on the radio. However more was yet to come, a year later and Jason found himself remixingtracks for other producers including Germany’s Rene Ablaze. Jason’s remix of Ablaze’s AutumnAgain was released by Ablaze’s own label – Redux Recordings, it featured in theGerman DJ chart for several weeks and appeared on several compilation CD's.2006 to 2007 saw the birth of Jason’s North Star alias, under which he did remixes forwell known artists including Pierre Pienaar and Van Gelder. North Star was devised todeal with Jason’s sound as he developed as an artist. Jason’s debut single under this guise,Out of Sight, was signed to Media Record’s - Nukleuz Label.Now with Jason confident both in his sound and ability, his first single under his own name,Oceanblue (Released June/July 2008), has been signed to Alter Ego Records and hasalready been picked up by Aly & Fila for their Trance World Vol.2 Compilation. The trackhas also been given a beautiful vocal mix by dutch duo, Vast Vision.2008 is shaping up to be Jason van Wyk’s breakthrough year when he firmly establishes himself onthe international circuit.---Written By Adam Flexer (February 2008)_______________________________________________________
DISCOGRAPHYOriginals:Jason van Wyk - Far From Me
TBC : 2008Jason van Wyk & Dreamquest - Imagine
Redux Recordings : 2008Jason van Wyk & Vast Vision - Oceanblue
Alter Ego Records : 2008Remixes:Sindre Eide vs. Aimar ft. Layla J - Desert Snow (Jason van Wyk Remix)
Fektive Records : 2008Ian Buff - Airborne (Jason van Wyk Remix)
Redux Recordings : 2008De La Saal - Delirium (Jason van Wyk's Out To Sea Remake)
Redux Recordings : 2008Pole Folder ft. Kirsty Hawkshaw – Silent Stars (Jason van Wyk Remix)
TBC : TBCRene Ablaze – Autumn Again (Jason van Wyk Remix)
Redux Recordings : 2006Side Projects:van Wyk & Flexer - One Day Apart
TBC: 2008---Compilation Appearances:Alter Ego Sessions vol. 2 – Mixed by Abbott & Chambers
Alter Ego Records : 2008Trance World vol. 2 - Mixed by Aly & Fila
Armada Music : 2008Ibiza Trance Anthems 2007 - Mixed by Nukleuz DJs & Nebula vs Maelstrom DJs
Media/Nukleuz Records : 2007Nukleuz Trance Sessions Solstice Album Sampler vol. 2
Media/Nukleuz Records : 2007Nukleuz Trance Sessions Solstice – Mixed by Pierre Pienaar & Nukleuz DJs
Media/Nukleuz Records : 2007Redux Recordings & Drizzly Music pres. First Trance Mission
Redux Recordings : 2007Tunnel Trance Force vol. 40
Sony BMG (Germany) : 2007DEREK "TheBandit" – Electronic Uprising
More Music : 2006Needle Damage vol. 3
Gallo Records/RPM Dance : 2005________________________________________________________
______BOOKINGSFor bookings outside South Africa please contact me or Sinuous Artist Management on:
[email protected]_______________________
_______________________________________CONTACTFor remix requests, bookings, or if you would just like to get in touch, either message me here, or email me at:
[email protected]_________________________________________
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