......i like to watch tv...and eat alot...i also like to stay home from school and i hate taking out the trash...i also love kicks...my main shoes that i love is jordans..23 on moine...i also love nikes..i just love shoes...
my grandpas dad and martin luther king..i would also like to meet my grandpa sione that passed..
i like rock n roll...i like rap nd hiphop and tongan music and samoan music and alot of other music...
i love scary movies and drama movies and action and comedy and some documentury oh and i like the incredibles...
i like watever is on..
i never really got to finish A book in my life...but if i were to finish a book it would have to be Dr.Suez or however u spell it
hikkioppp0;[lp[' ;-= '..=My heroes would have to be my parents and my grandparents and my sisters...