gardening, watching plants and animals grow, kayaking, reptiles/amphibians, genomics/speciation, shopping, home repair, hanging out at coffee shop type places, live shows, thinking, day dreaming...AND my pets! 3 cats (AKA "Weinberg," "Maya," and "Inca"), 1 mini-schnauzer (AKA "Hardy"), 7 rosy boas (Lichanura trivirgata ssp.: AKA "Coco", "Luna", "Rootbeer", "Sassifras", "Cye(clops)", "Eros", and "Mocha" , 1 stripe-knee tarantula (Aphonapelma seemanni: AKA "Asee"), 1 rose hair tarantula (Grammostola rosea: AKA "Rosie"), 1 Amel Corn Snake (Panthropis guttata: AKA "Sammie"), and 1 California kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula californiae: AKA "Bandito").
What Be Your Nerd Type? Your Result: Science/Math Nerd
(Absolute Insane Laughter as you pour toxic chemicals into a foaming tub of death!)Well, maybe you aren't this extreme, but you're in league with the crazy scientists/mathmeticians of today. Very few people have the talent of math and science is something takes a lot of brains as well. Thank whosever God you worship, or don't worship, so thank no deity whatsoever in your case, for you people! Most of us would have died off without your help.
someone who makes my knees melt and my brain tingleAND/ORfreaks of nature...evolutionary dead-ends like these frogs.
Three-Headed Frog
or this giraffe.
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MY FAVORITE SONG EVER IS PICK YER NOSE FROM PUDDLE DIVE. THAT HAVING BEEN SAID...Downtempo...Jazz...Blues...Mood mellowing, intelligent wanders...Specifics of the day include MIA, Iron & Wine, Art Brut, Arcade Fire, Granddaddy, Film School, Death Cab, Theivery Corp, Dorfmester et al., Cloud Cult, Cat Power, Drive By Truckers, Snow Patrol, Peaches, etc...flat out KEXP ( junkie!!
i have recently learned to like stupid comedy. i really love drama and dark comedy. i will be eternally changed by the scene in American Beauty of the bag floating around, moved this way and that by the breeze.
I'd like to be able to still have as my mantra: "Television...the drug of the nation...breeding ignorance...and feeding radiation" (Disposable Heroes of Hiphopricy), but I have fallen. it started with CSI, then it was Grays Anatomy...and before i knew it, i was a reality TV junkie, as well. damn! what next? i'm afraid to know...
When time permits, I enjoy to read books that have a window into the human condition...stuff that really teaches me something: either about what it means to belong to our species or what it means to live in a certain time/place or what it means to walk in someone else's shoes. However, it is not often that I have the opportunity to read...or so it feels. BUT, i am presently trying to read at least a chapter of a book each night before I go to bed...hopefully this keeps up when the semester gets into i would like to fill my brain with some things that arent related to my academic pursuits.At present, I am reading "Stiff" and also "A Spot of Bother."
Charles Darwin, Sylvia Plath, world explorers, rule breakers, revolutionary thinkers, intelligent doers, and my life-long friends.