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MySpace Avatars Lyrics
Birthday:26th July 1989 yEs i will be turning 18 this year!! wOo cant wait!!
mY name is biAnca but everyOne calls me bianxx. iM in yeAr 12 at Ave Maria College and i cant wait until this year is Over!! i lOve gOing tO the fOoty and melbOurne victOry. i taLk a lOt and im knOwn tO be a girly girl lOl and im alsO very lOud anD tend tO scReam a lOt! i want 3 bOys! ChAnniNg tAtum & aDriAna LiMa= hOt! I lOve the Oc, mY favOurite cOlOur is pink aNd my idOl is audrey hepburn. She is beaUtifuL. My all time favOurite mOvie is Breakfast at Tiffanies but I alsO like the hOt chick, white chiks, step up, take the lead, gOal! sHes the man, the nOtebOok & many mOre.. My favOurite sOngs are lOve stOned by JT & just sO yOu knOw by Jesse McCartney... i live by the mOttO oF "what gOes rOund, cOmes rOund" and the quOte "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today" jAmes deAn
MySpace Avatars Lyrics
lOves:my friends, Tiffany&Co, shOpping, the colour pinK, fashiOn, pasta, sOccer & fOotball Go tHe bOmbers! i alsO have a sOft spOt fOr cOllingwOod, the beach, chaNel, guCci, perfUme, dAncing, gOing Out, taLking oN the phOne, muSic (hOuse, JT, jesse mCcartney, eLecktrO & mani mOre..), talking & laughing non stOp!
hAtes: liars, backstabbers & cheaters! and when peOple make nOises while eating, its disgUstiNg!!
if yOu want tO get tO knOw me, just add me On [email protected]