Things becoming obsolete, movies, books, piano, poker, dice, wine, art, literature, ancient civilizations, mythology, comparative religion, genetics, anthropology, language, horror, zombie sheep, mad cows, monsters, science, evolution.....
finding that comfort zone and then disrupting it.
Idealists, revolutionaries, mad scientists, and people with great syntax.
Movies with monsters, mobsters, gangsters, midgets, ninjas, zombies, and cowboys. Funky old silent films, Spaghetti westerns, Samurai movies, Cult, and Horror.
Preview channel. I'll watch it until something good comes on. Sometimes that can take days.
books about post-apocalyptic future Orwellian dystopias, Maus I and II, anything Vonnegut, Campbell, Kafka, Gogol, Bulgakov, Borges, Calvino, Robbins, Geek Love.
Captain Nemo and Dr. Who