Jesus, Sports, Volleyball, Tennis, Wakeboarding, Frisbee, Disk Golf, Outdoors, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Backpacking, Hiking, Canoeing, Music, Playing Guitar, Playing Bass, Road Trips, Traveling, Friends
My Wife, unless I've already met her. In which case, we need to start hanging out a little more or something.
I also want to meet those few internet friends I've had forever but never met. Yeah, you know who you are.
I'd also lilke to meet cool people who share my same interests and loves in life.
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, Relient K, Switchfoot, U2, The Normals, AudioSlave, Thousand Foot Krutch, LeCrae, Shane and Shane, David Crowder Band, Braden Land, Chris Tomlin, Derek Webb
Remember the Titans, Gladiator, We Were Soldiers, The Sandlot, The Princess Bride, The Newsies, Cool Runnings, Happy Gilmore, Tommy Boy, Ocean's 11, Mr. and Mrs. Smith
ESPN, Sports, CSI, Law and Order, The Weather Channel
Bible, Wild at Heart, The Infinite Book, I don't read alot.
Men of God who stand and have stood strong in spite of what the world has thrown in their faces.