I like:Laughing, Laughing and Laughing some more. Listening to music, collecting (kitchen fairies and HARD ROCK PINS),shrimp scampi,shellfish,Cape May, the Caribbean, Cruises,Pens-actually any office supplies,getting my nails done-I know so girlie,makeup-again girlie, anything to do with Egypt-I like learning about mummies,tattoos, my new belly ring, I love smelling mens cologne, TARGET,Victoria Secret stuff,anything to do with hearts and butterflies, I love getting flowers, I love Valentines Day (hearts).
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from www.sexiluv.com
Myspace Graphics
I'd like to meet:
I've already met my boo booCelebrities I'd like to meet:
Scott Weiland and Matt Sorum from Velvet Revolver,AMI JAMES (Yum), Andy Garcia, James Hetfield, Dog the Bounty Hunter and Gloria Estefan.
Hosted at MySpaceNow.com
Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com
Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com
Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com
Velvet Revolver, Metallica,Godsmack, Goo Goo Dolls, No Doubt, Billy Joel, J Lo, Gloria Estefan, Celine Dion, Foo Fighters, The Cult, Mariah Carey, Shakira, Los Lonely Boys, Bryan Adams and more
Dawn of the Dead, Terminator 1 &2, Bridget Jones Diary, Finding Nemo, Cars, Scarface,Flight Plan, James Bond, Sideways, Under the Tuscan Sun, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure-Party on Dudes and Be Excellent to Each Other, Mrs. Doubtfire, Rush Hour 1 & 2, SWAT, The Birdcage-love that movie and all Lethal Weapons, Sleepless in Seattle.
Hosted at YourSpaceNow.com
Myspace Codes
Miami Ink, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Ghost Hunters,Full House, Cosby Show, Roseanne, Who's the Boss, The Jeff Foxworthy Show-ok so I watch Nick at Night, Seinfeld, The Golden Girls, Walker Texas Ranger, Ugly Betty.
Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace
NOT Friggin Harry "i'm tired of hearing about this stupid crap" Potter But I did like Bridget Jones' Diary. Not much of a reader, I need to be doing something with some motion.
MOM and DAD I love and miss them so much. They were the greatest gift any kid could have. I hope to be like them someday. Mom: you were the one who taught me to be a woman, the one who nurtured me into the person I am today. Dad: you showed me what a man should be like, you helped me be the kind of person I should be, for I am so much like you in many ways. Mom was lucky to have you as a husband and you were lucky to have her as a wife. I love both of you so much.