Born in Brooklyn, grew up in Queens,spent 4 years in Boulder, Colorado before moving to Paradise... Honolulu, Hawaii.
I believing in living life to the fullest. If you are going to do something, do it right. Life is too short to give up on a dream. Dreams are a wish that your heart makes. Always pursue your dreams, no matter how big or small. Life is full of surprises, sometimes they are good and sometimes they are bad.
Money comes and goes, the more money you make, the more money you spend. Always live within your means and do thing for yourself, never do anything for the sole purpose of money, it's not worth it at the end.
Friends and family should be the only things you should worry about losing, they can not be replaced. I believe
that if you want something, it is far more rewarding if you earn it rather than having it handed to you.
Laughter is one of the best thing in life, jealousy is evil. Everyone is entitled to an opinion...whether you agree or disagree with them. An open mind is a great mind.
Your past makes you who you are today. Never do anything that you will regret. Actions speak a lot louder than words. There is a good side to everything, you just have to search for it. Things happen for a reason and sometimes it will take a while to figure out what it is. Learn from your mistakes and then forget about the details. Try to learn something new everyday. Knowledge is power.