My Great Grandpa, Chance EncounterMy Grandpa's B-Day Party
Grandma n' Grandpa sharing birthday cake
My interests are...Food (preferbably human)...Potty'in..Walkin In The Park..Chewing Shoes & Trying to Better Myself...=)
Well, I think I would like to meet a nice man dog....who can give me everything I want. After all I deserve it!...=) Maybe, Johnny Depp.(I've got to figure out why my Mom is always touching herself when he's on the TV)...=O
Beggin_Strips Commercial.......Who Let The Dogs Out, Atomic Dog & Endless Love.(I'm not sure what it is about that song, but it brings a tear to my eye, everytime..=(
My favorite movies are...101 Dalmations, Old Yeller, Snow Dogs, Lassy, Homebound, Cats..n Dogs, Shilo, & of course All Dogs Go To Heaven...=)
Animal Planet, 101 Dalmations & The Sci-Fi Channel.(cause my mom makes me watch it)...=
Where The Red Fern Grows, Lassy, House Training for Dummies.(that's my mom's book, though)..=)
My brothers & sisters for breaking my mom in for me. You know they say "your not as strict when you get to the 8th, 9th kid." Whoooooo Hoooooo, Lucky Me! Rules? What's That??????
Oh yeah, Pedro for President!