I'd like to meet:
Nikola Tesla & Che Guevara
ViolentFemmes TomPetty TOOL ThrillKillKult theStreets StoneTemplePilots Sublime SoulAsylum Soundgarden SmashingPumpkins SkinnyPuppy Radiohead RollingStones Rasputina Prodigy PornoforPyros PearlJam PinkFloyd Pigface PerfectCircle Offspring Outkast Ozzy Nirvania NIN!! Metallica MosDef ModestMouse Ministry MarilynManson LedZepplin LordsofAcid JillScott JimiHendreix JanesAddiction JanisJaplin JohnnyCash JackJohnson GratefulDead Gorillaz Greenday FortMinor ErykahBadu theDoors ColdPlay CountingCrows Common CommonSense CoalChamber ButtholeSurfers BeastieBoys BobDylan BobMarley Blondie theBeatles Atmosphere ArethaFranklin Ani-di-Franco AlanisMorissette AlGreen
MyNameisEarl, TheSimpsons, MalcomintheMiddle, 3rdRockfromtheSun, SouthPark, CowboyBebop, Law&Order, NCIS, CSI, CSI:NY, CriminalMinds, ColdCase, WithoutATrace, Shark, House, Bones, Numb3rs, Nip/Tuck, VeronicaMars, GilmoreGirls & America'sTopModel are my GuiltyPleasures (Sssshh, Don't Tell!) FamilyGuy, Sealab, AquateenHungerForce, InvaderZim, Beavis&Butthead, KingoftheHill, Futurama, PowerpuffGirls, theDiscoveryChannel, theBernieMacShow, EverybodyHatesChris, Will&Grace, Dharma&Greg, DrewCarey, VH1, JonStewart, ConanO'Brian, the British version of 'The Office'. THE DROOGIES TURNED ME ON TO 'ENTOURAGE' & MATRIX HAD ME ADDICTED TO THE 'L-WORD'
COMIC BOOKS!! Reading? Yes I Like It;Can I Have Sum? (Na-Ha!) Works of the Dalai Lama, HarryPotter, Chronicles of Narnia, Lemony Snicket's S.U.E., Catcher in the Rye, On the Road, The Stranger, To Kill a MockingBird, Fight Club, Clockwork Orange, Of Mice and Men, Memoirs of a Geisha......... aw screw it. Lets just say I LOVE books. Books B4 Movies.
Me Mum &theRestOfthe KaZoKu, YipYip & meBestGirlLyndsay