SGAlisa profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

if you don't already know me or where to get to know me for real; then i guess you're out of luck.

My Interests

suicide girls; photography; reading; the gothic lolilta fashion scene; going out to local and underground shows; tattoos; skateboarding; soccer; football; hockey; wasting my time on the internet instead of doing anything productive; sarcasm; personalities; true love; freak shows/the circus life; the occult and it's uses; thinking for myself; exposing people and their bullshit for what it is; retail; video games and kicking your ass if you get out of line.

I'd like to meet:

more sg's off the site and their friends... so that i can finally hug all of you like i've been wanting to ever since i joined the site. and believe it or not i would actually love to hook up with the people that i knew and kicked it with in seattle so long ago. so if anyone knows a girl named heidi holsman and her roomate karl or a guy named jim larrabee who could be from new mexico or new your somewhere by now; please let them know where to find this profile. i would really love to be able to meet up with them again.


good lord how much space do we have on this thing? i'll go make up a list of my favorite bands and test the limits later on. be back


see above


again see above music section for why this is still blank


again.... damn can't you read that i'm making a list already??? jeesshhh!


myself for going after a dream that i didn't think at all possible and rockin' it; my man, dmcII, for finally having the balls to pursue his dreams of being the talented artist that he was born to be; Missy Suicide and all the fine ass girls that i'm lucky enough to be modelling with. they all have my upmost respect and admiration. and that's no bullshit. and to all of you who have anything bad to say about any one of them i just have two little bits of advice for you: GO SUCK MY LEFT NUT!!! and when you're done go get a life of your own and stop being so pathetically jealous of our success.