Bazooka Tooth profile picture

Bazooka Tooth

someone set up us the bomb.

About Me

I moved to
I love my kitten, his name is Bazooka Tooth, Sean named him.

My Interests

Loves: my Gia. Jello Biafra. sleep. ichat, my bed. loud/fast cars. motorcycles. cocoa butter. Silver Potato!. text messaging. green day. grafitti. hip hop. orgasms. english muffin pizzas. sleeping. sneakers. workboots, dirty mechanic boys. the smell of clean laundry. hot pink. fashion magazines. naps.'word munchers'. beta fish. dancing. breakdancing. drums. hugs. driving. brown. stars. trains. green. cats. 5 speeds. Kates. fish. Bob Dylan. tattoos. popcorn. luna bars. trees. Honda Preludes. Red Bamboo. iced tea. birds. hoola hooping. moose. love. Prince(he's sexy). rabbits. monsters. porn. pictures. sweatshirts. commando. shoes. Egypt. Oregon Trail. the Throgs Neck Bridge. my sidekick 3. chillin with my cuz Brooke. high tops. booty shorts. Honda CRX. V8. mac and cheese. samosas. The Palace.

Hates: bananas. monkeys. when people do nice things for me. being alone. hot weather. honda civic hatchbacks. the bands aerosmith, metallica, kiss and creed. mornings. people. my hair. the colors blue and red. flip flops. george bush. doctors. new york. waking up early to go to work. driving people around. assholes.

I'd like to meet:

Aesop Rock.
and other Prelude owners, that have as much Prelude pride as I do.
AIM- YourLittleViking


i like Cat Stevens, Aesop Rock and Motion City Soundtrack.


Harold and Maude is the best movie ever made, Willow. House Party, Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood, The Neverending Story, A Clockwork Orange, Fern Gully, The Godfather and my favorite, Kazaam.


I'm with Busey. Oprah. Law & Order SVU.


The Catcher in the Rye, Fox in Socks, The Outsiders, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, A Clockwork Orange, The Happy Hooker.


My Number One Negro, she knows who she is. and my Grandpa Danny Sunshine.

My Blog


this is how much he has grown. hes huge now...
Posted by Bazooka Tooth on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 07:54:00 PST

my future

well today at work i saw me in 50 years. this awesome sweet old lady with white marshmallow hair was driving a gorgous 1989 (i think) honda prelude, and i said "hey thats gonna be me!" and so that old...
Posted by Bazooka Tooth on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 12:17:00 PST

boring day

well we were supposed to get up at 5 am forget about that we were all too tired so we got up at 10. we got more veggie oil today and are boiling it it doesnt smell good like the other oil. and thats i...
Posted by Bazooka Tooth on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


July 31 we packed and moved everything to the bus it was heavy and gia and I laughed a lot,  we moved the couch and mattress down a flight of stairs and lifted them in to the bus all by ourselves...
Posted by Bazooka Tooth on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my first day in AZ

it is 11:07 pm in Arizona where i am. i arrived at 10:15 AZ time, 1:15 NY time and Gia and Randol picked me up in there bus. we went to Tempe and then home. and we went to walmart which was very exci...
Posted by Bazooka Tooth on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Nicole BrooksBirthday: february 2, 1986 Birthplace: huntington hospital Current Location: my homeEye Color: blue Hair Color: now its a reddish colorHeight: 5'...
Posted by Bazooka Tooth on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

batty rap

now if this song (well the 2nd and 3rd verse) from the movie Fern Gully doesnt make you think twice about the way animals are treated in labs Yo - The name is Batty The logic is erratic Potato i...
Posted by Bazooka Tooth on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


well i've decided someday when i'm insanely rich and have so much money i wont know what to do with (there is a 99.9 % chance this will never happen because i will not make it anywhere in life) i will...
Posted by Bazooka Tooth on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST