Loves: my Gia. Jello Biafra. sleep. ichat, my bed. loud/fast cars. motorcycles. cocoa butter. Silver Potato!. text messaging. green day. grafitti. hip hop. orgasms. english muffin pizzas. sleeping. sneakers. workboots, dirty mechanic boys. the smell of clean laundry. hot pink. fashion magazines. naps.'word munchers'. beta fish. dancing. breakdancing. drums. hugs. driving. brown. stars. trains. green. cats. 5 speeds. Kates. fish. Bob Dylan. tattoos. popcorn. luna bars. trees. Honda Preludes. Red Bamboo. iced tea. birds. hoola hooping. moose. love. Prince(he's sexy). rabbits. monsters. porn. pictures. sweatshirts. commando. shoes. Egypt. Oregon Trail. the Throgs Neck Bridge. my sidekick 3. chillin with my cuz Brooke. high tops. booty shorts. Honda CRX. V8. mac and cheese. samosas. The Palace.
Hates: bananas. monkeys. when people do nice things for me. being alone. hot weather. honda civic hatchbacks. the bands aerosmith, metallica, kiss and creed. mornings. people. my hair. the colors blue and red. flip flops. george bush. doctors. new york. waking up early to go to work. driving people around. assholes.
Aesop Rock.
and other Prelude owners, that have as much Prelude pride as I do.
AIM- YourLittleViking
i like Cat Stevens, Aesop Rock and Motion City Soundtrack.
Harold and Maude is the best movie ever made, Willow. House Party, Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood, The Neverending Story, A Clockwork Orange, Fern Gully, The Godfather and my favorite, Kazaam.
I'm with Busey. Oprah. Law & Order SVU.
The Catcher in the Rye, Fox in Socks, The Outsiders, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, A Clockwork Orange, The Happy Hooker.
My Number One Negro, she knows who she is. and my Grandpa Danny Sunshine.