-=StEph=- profile picture


Good things come in small packages

About Me

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My Interests

Hi I'm tep-teph..a simple person,,lover of nature...(homely gurl,,,loves to spend most of my time to my family, church, to my work and my honey,,,I'm some kinda moody,,,& "A sEnSiTiVe tYpE" sO bE CaReFuL in evrY sinGle thing u saY abOut me..:) if u hate me,, tell it straight in frOnt oF me. Coz im caPabLe oF switChing of my triPs on you!G!ve me L0ads of crisps,,chocolates,,ice creams,,pastas,,pizzas,,& we'd be good friends!!!hehe=) Im very interested in ancient cultures,diff.cultures of diff.tribes and trying to know their different languages...loves to travel and sleep(--,)zzZZZ,,,i want to try something different like wall climbing, mountain hiking,sky diving,scuba diving, and anything cool^_^ I'm a music lover and i can sing(in the bathroom^_^) i like shopping, eating and sleep again^_^ hmmm,,,,wat else,,, i really dont know what else to say...so if u got any idea,,,then you can tell me what I'm about...

Myspace Glitters - Online Dating Site

I'd like to meet:

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R&B's,,, Accoustics,,, ALTERNATIVES,,,LOVESONGS and Filipino music....


too many to mention^_^


Chuckle Vision at BBC2 (hehe.. childshow!!!) and all shows and movies at BBC 5


BIBLE,,,SONGBOOKS,,,and fashion magazines,,,


"GOD" and My FAmily