The Meaning of Life is Love profile picture

The Meaning of Life is Love

For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good figh

About Me

I was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrigs Disease) in March of 2005. I lost my battle to the disease October 11, 2008.
ALS is a Neuromuscular disease that usually strikes older men, obviously not quite so in my case. What happens is the muscles stop regenerating, getting smaller and smaller until they become useless and paralyzed. All voluntary muscles are affected, causing the loss of speech and movement, choking (from lack of control over the throat), and lung weakness (which is the worst, contributing the most to death). ALS is 100% fatal and as of yet they have not found a cure or any treatments. I am living proof that ALS can strike anyone, no matter your age or gender. As I have gone home and no longer can access this page, I have left the responsibility of it up to Rick. He will update the page from time to time as he continues to make it tribute to my life and to spread my teaching of Love!
I Have Fought the Good Fight; I Have Finished My Course; I Have Kept My Faith!!!

My Interests

"The earth was formless and void…and God said, Let there be light. " (Genesis 1:2-3). If God can make the world out of nothing, He can take the empty places in your life and create something beautiful, too! He can speak light into your darkest hour. He can take your formless dreams and give them shape. He can resurrect your dormant gifts and talents! He can make your crooked places straight! Remember, you are created in the image of almighty God. There’s power in your words, and there’s power when you’re in agreement with Him. Start saying what God says about your situation. Speak life to your broken dreams, today. Stay in an attitude of faith and expectancy. As you do, God will take you places that you’ve never dreamed, and you’ll live in victory all the days of your life!Jesus is our source, "But those who wait on the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31).Sometimes it’s easy to get down and discouraged when you’re constantly looking at the circumstances of life. You may feel tired and weary from a long battle. But when you wait on the Lord, the Bible says your strength will be renewed. Waiting on the Lord means you’re putting your trust and hope in Him. You’re living with an attitude of faith and expectancy. Are you ready for God to move on your behalf? Are you waiting on Him? As you take a step of faith, He’ll meet you there. He’ll renew your strength and lead you into victory in every area of your life!"But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory making us conquerors through our Lord Jesus Christ" (I Corinthians 15:57). God desires that you live in victory in every area of your life. The scripture says He always causes us to triumph through Christ Jesus! No matter what you may be facing today, God wants to make you more than a conqueror. Are you facing a need—physically, spiritually, or emotionally? God wants to give you provision and supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. Notice this verse starts out by saying, "Thanks be to God…" When you choose to be thankful and bless the Lord in the midst of your battle, you are making a way for Him to move in your life. Magnify your God, don’t magnify your problems! As you do, you’ll see Him move on your behalf....

I'd like to meet:

Tribute for My Mother

Can You Tell Me How It Could Be Any Better Than This?

Tribute to My Boys!


Watch this show and more at


Something My Little Brother Joey Wrote:
Living Without Faith Faith is easy to say, but hard to have. I thought I had it , in so many ways. I thought life was perfect, wife, kid, one family in my life that in their eyes I was perfect in many ways. I thought I had the faith too live life. Well, I was wrong, everything started to fall apart. The marriage turned into divorce, then I was homeless, couch surfing, alcohol ruined my career. Then I found myself again, my family saw me again. I still don't see faith, but then there is somebody amazing in my life that has faith all around him. I am talking about my brother Richard. March 2005 he was told that he had ALS. I didn't except it, I wouldn't, I refused. I was close to him growing up, he was my best friend, we did a lot together. In high school he protected me, he took me everywhere with him. I thought how can I have faith in anything with all that was going on. Then I moved in with him and my mom, and I do my best too help him have a goo d day. I laugh with him, cry with him, and spend time with him. But still no faith, I thought I would never find another love, someone that makes me smile and feel good everyday. Then spending time at home, I found love. He is in my eyes my best friend, somebody that protects me. Someone that makes me laugh and smile. I idolize him for who he is, and the faith he has. My love is my brother, and because of him I know I will get my faith back. I love him so much, he is love, love is all around him. I hope that all his faith and love rubs off on me. So when he leaves me, I can keep that part of him alive, forever. God has blessed your Richard, and I love you...Your loving brother Joey
Richard,I hope you don't mind, but I shared this e-mail below with many of my friends and family. You have no idea how just these few words below have changed many lives! Especially my brother. Thank you Richard for your heart my friend!Richard and Rick, you two men are the greatest men of character I have ever known! I thank God for putting you both in my life! I look forward to the day we can all hang out at the 1/4lb Burger in Heaven! Don't forget your hair net and smokes!2Timothy 4:6-7 says,"For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day -- and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearance."I love you both!B Mac
From My Friend Jill
Hey I have something I want to tell you. I am almost finished with my Sylvia Browne book and I wanted to tell you about something in it that made me think of you. I hope this doesn't sound wierd. Here goes. Sylvia talks about this place on the other side its a waterfall that is the most beautiful thing any of us have ever seen along with a garden that has more colors than we can imagine. She also talks about a big beautiful building with white marble colums its the hall of records. I know you will be there sooner than I will but I would love to see you there while I am still here in this life. You will be so happy there and you will not be sick anymore. I am going to have to come visit you there because I am going to miss you terribly. I want you to know how many lives you have touched in your short time in this life. Sylvia also said that only the strongest souls choose to go through with what you have endured. Your legacy on this earth will continue because I promise I will set up a fund in your name. Please just visit from time to time. You have forever changed my life and even though I can't hold back the tears I wouldn't trade knowing you for anything in this world. Wednesday is the best song I have ever written and will always be the best that song will change lives I promise you that. My heart is breaking but I can't wait until you have peace because you deserve it. Wednesday will always be my favorite day of the week. I love you from the deepest place in my heart when your at the waterfall know that I will meet you there. Forever your friend
From My friend Rick who has unselfishly sacrificied his time and life for me...
The Waterfall
Remember when we use to dance
To the beat of house within the trance
Long ago in another place and time
Young and naïve; lives were blind
We grew up we faced this life
Enjoyed the journey amongst the strife
Loved our way through the blindness
Learning how to show random acts of kindness
Day by day I have watched your body slowly die
I can't count the amount of tears I've cried
But you taught me so much my dear friend
And that is why I will be with you beyond the end
When you pass over you will finally be home
Your body lies but your soul will roam
Freely through the garden, heaven awaits
I can't wait to see you again at the pearly gates
Meet me at the waterfall, we will reminisce
About the journey we've lived, the girls we have kissed
I hope that you come visit us from time to time
Know that after you passed I was truly fine
For your body died but you lived on forever
I will carry you through all that I endeavor
I love Rich with all that my heart has to give
And I will be forever grateful for the life that you lived…


"Your heart is not measured by how much u love, but by how much ur loved by other people"... Wizard Of Oz
"She's A Predator; Posing as a House Pet!" Fight Club
That's How You Get Pink Eye! - Knocked Up
There's Nothing Good About a Hairy Vagina! RICH SHIPP
Sweet the sin Bitter taste in my mouth - U2
I'm a taxpayer, and a Citizen! And you are a Jerk off, Did I tell you that? Alpha Dog
Sometimes She Calls Me the Hurricane! What's that exciting at first but ends in disaster? Jeff Dunham..
If My Pencil Sharpener Had A Skirt I Would Have To Hide It! - Chuck & Larry
I Hope You Have a Big Trunk Cause I Am Going to Stick My Bike In It - 40 Year Old Virgin
Fasten Your Seat Belt Dorothy; Because Kansas is Goin Bye Bye!!! - The Matrix
Breathe out! So I can Breathe You In!!! - Everlong - Foo Fighters
Never ShopLift the Puddy From A Single Mom - Jerry McGuire
You might feel in control of things . But you're not holding all the strings - Aaron Lewis of Staind
And the strength of a tree Begins in the roots That I tend to bury into you At least now the storm Can't blow me away - Aaron Lewis
and every time I feel im falling she’ll be there to save me from myself little angel watching over me - Something Like Me Aaron Lewis
But everything changes; If I could Turn back the years; If you could Learn to forgive me, Then I could Learn how to feel; Then we could Stay here together And we could Conquer the world, If we could Say that forever Is more than just a word!!! - Aaron Lewis
I can't run anymore,I fall before you,Here I am,I have nothing left,Though ve tried to forget,You're all that I am,Take me home,I'm through fighting it,Broken,Lifeless, I give up,You're my only strength,Without you,I can't go on,Anymore,Ever again. October - Amy Lee
And the strength of a tree Begins in the roots That I tend to bury into you At least now the storm Can't blow me away
you fill me up,you're in my veins, a look could take my breath away - Aaron Lewis
All these things; Novocaine Too desentized every day To this life that we wage So we don't feel at all - Aaron Lewis
And you say that I’m weak! So show me the proof Because I still exist inspite of you - Aaron Lewis


Inspiration Emails
I just watched your video, and I was beautiful. I know it's hard for you to do things right now so I'll understand if you don't get to respond soon. Lately, I've been thinking and wondering why things happen the way they do. Why we meet people at inoppertune times and others float in our lives at the "perfect" time. I think you've shown me true strength and happiness. Through intense pain and suffering, both mental and physical, you fight and smile. You're truly the strongest man I've ever met. I only hope that you know I do care about you and hopefully that brightens your day. I love you Richard, you're an outstanding man!
Take care,
5feet of Sunshine
I don't even know what to say. I was talking to my husband at the same time I was reading your email and I am speechless. All I can find the words to say is that I feel the same. I am thankful that I had the opportunity to know you.
The impact you had on my life will be more than you will know. It's funny how we look back on our life and see how people really were, and that our perceptions of them become more truthful over time.
It's not easy for me to say goodbye to you either, we always think we will have more time..more time. I will never forget your beautiful smile. I know I never told you. Your smile is the first thing I think about when I go back in time. I always remember..... the way you smiled :)
I will never forget you.
I love you brother.
I am so sorry. I don't know what to say, especially over the computer. I can't believe you have to go. I find comfort in that you are surrounded by so many people that love you so much and I know that you will be missed by many.
I really wish I could have spent more time with you. You have always been such an amazing person. Cheerful, pleasant and compassionate, with a most amazing smile. I hate that this is your reality and I am heartbroken that you are leaving us. The world will be a much darker place without your smile and positive gentle nature.
Please know that I love you, and I send you off with all of the warmth of knowing that you will be truly missed.
Godspeed and God Bless. I know you will be happy and healthy in the hereafter.
Love and peace,
I will be out there soon to see you regardless of your awareness. As I sit here crying, I realize the tears were not caused by pain but only because of the great memories we have had together. I know that no matter how much pain I feel it could never measure up to what you have gone through. So I sit here and ask myself.... Am I being selfish for crying when you remain smiling? You have always worn a smile and you will forever wear one in my mind and in my heart. I don't want you to go and I know you can't stay so just know this. I love you and I have since the moment I met you. You have always been a remarkable friend to me! The way you make me laugh just makes me feel like no one can ever have that capability ever again! I will miss you more than words can express and though I haven't been there for a lot of the pain you have gone through, just know that I think about you every day!!!! I promise that no matter how much time goes by you will always be in my heart and my thoughts. Even thought you will not be down here with me you will be up there having the time of your life. Please don't go until I am able to see you. In time. Until then.
You are forever inside my head! I love you
I just talked about you last night to my friend and I said, I have got to go see him, like now!!!! I have asked my mom to give me a ride and I am so sorry for not getting there. Is it possible to please please please come see you on this Sunday???????? I love you very much and I know if I show my mom the e-mail you wrote me she will take me to come visit you, she has Saturday plans but she can deffinetly bring me over on that Sunday? Are you still going to church? If so, maybe I could go with you??? If you are not, which it sounds like maybe you are not able to at this point, than please e-mail me your address one more time so I can get Mapquest directions and I can be there what ever time would be good for you. I will never be Ok if I don't get to see you again, so please let me know when is a good time and what ever you give me I will be there, Ok?
I love you.
Dear Richard,
You are and always will be in my heart. I'm so glad I was able to spend time with you. Every moment we had together is memory that will last forever. You have put up a good fight and I would love to see you before you go but I understand you need your strenth for you kids and immedate family. I really enjoyed the video that Rick made for you. The pictures are great and shows all the love and support that you have. I hope you have been recieve my postcards. Everytime I'm in a new place or I see something new I always think of you and wish you were there to share that moment with me. I'm on my way to Yosmite. I will be back on Sunday. I go back to work Tuesday I will think of you while I'm hiking and I hope you are able to see the beauty that I see. You are and an amazing person and will always be with me.
I will always love you. Remember to keep smiling
Love Always
Lori 8)
I truly hope that you are wrong, I have been and will continue to hold you in my prayers Richard. You have touched me, and I can tell by the pictures and what not on your page that you have truly touched many people in your life!
I really wish I had gotten the chance to get to know you a lot better.
Please know I have made it my goal and mission in life to make the word get out as much as I possibly can so that one day some young man with lots of life left will be able to live and enjoy it.. You are right I can empathize and hopefully one day others will be able to also! Although I hope not, if this is goodbye may I see you again one day when it is also my turn to go home.
Corey Hindley
My Dear Rich.... (my would be son)
Before you go....and while you are still able..I want someone to take your hand, and lay it on Ricks head or shoulder, verbal or silent, give him your blessing, asking God to annoint him for His service to the end of his days.
Your smile, your peace, your love for each of us is forever etched within my heart of memories as a Man who Loved Jesus with all his heart. Know that our tears will be turned to joy in the morning, and we will celebrate YOU.
Love....n Hugs
your bro in Christ,
You seem like such a dear,sweet man.Horrible things happen to good people,we know not why.I love you as a great friend by your wonderful smile and what I have been told by Theo.But there are such glorious things that you will find in your new life.You will have a NEW body just like you were born with.You will walk,talk,run into Gods open arms and He will welcome you into HIS kingdom and you will be so happy and healthy. It is the people left behind that will be the ones to remember all the neat things about you and TRUELY miss you.BUT GOD will help ALL of us get through this. BE HAPPY in your NEW LIFE.I feel very SPECIAL to have been part of your life through Theo. YOU WILL BE FREE. SO,be happy my sweet Richard. I WILL SEE YOU ONE DAY and will will meet and be great friends,I KNOW. I LOVE YOU LOVE, STEPHANY
I hope someone reads this to you. It's too early in the morning for the tears that are streaming down my face. I can only say that I wish I had gotten the chance to know you better. I will pray for you Rich, as I have many times. I will pray for your kids & your friends and family that have been by your side. Please know that I too have been by your side, even from miles away. Please know that you have touched me and forever are a part of my life and my memories. I have never and will never forget you
All my love . . .
I just hope it's easy for you when you leave us.
I will miss you so much Richard. I'm thankful for the time I did get with you and being able to get to know you and hearing stories of things that you've done in life. I knew this day was coming soon, I'm glad you won't be in pain anymore but you will be miss so much. You're an amazing man! I find solitude in knowing that God will take care of you. You will always be nowhere further then in my heart. I regret not meeting you sooner but I know we'll meet again. I love you with all my heart. Until we see eachother again.
I will always love you Blondie,
My dearest. Although we have never met in person you have made my little myspace a better place to be. I wish I Would have more time with you. you've reminded me of ehat is important and to say I love you to those who mean it the most and don't waste your time with others that do not.
Miss you. miss you miss... all the days of my life.
Please Rich know this from the bottom of my heart, you will always be remembered and I will always carry a peice of you with me.
I have for the last 4 or 5 years thought of you often. I have been a manager for Starbucks and I am currently working for a company where I manage 5 cafes in San Francisco.
When I look at myself professionally, and my manager-like style, I have always been trying to be like you. I'm very serious about this. You are the one I remember first. You are the one who was deticated, hard working, fare and fun. So I want you to know that as I go forward in this life and you move on, your name, your face, and who you are will ALWAYS be here in this life, in my mind and in my heart.
I know you only managed me for a brief time in your life at Red Robin, but I dearly appreciate the impression that you made. I carry it with me daily.
God will truly smile apon you - I am certain.
I love you Rich.
- Dana
Hi Rich,
You have been incredibly strong through this time in your life. My heart feels a deep sadness for your awareness of the last days of your life-I have no true understanding about your experience and what you are feeling right now, but I am so happy that you have kept your faith in God and in Life. I am taking your advice about life's Lessons to mind/body/spirit
I send you with love & Peace & Prayers
Love Sheanine
I think about you often and I'm sorry I could'nt be there more. Your kind words I'm not sure I deserve, but I will take to heart. I love you and will continue to think of you often. God Bless and Gods speed my old friend!
I'm also very glad I meet you...It's funny that you wrote me cause I was just talkin to Jamie about you...It's so good to see that you are at peace with all of this!! It makes it sooo much better/easier for everyone. You will be missed and in our hearts forever! Sorry my letter is not as good as yours...I'm not very good at this...
Love you,
I love you... I'm sending my favorite prayer for you.
"May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm on your face.
The rain fall softly on your fields,
And until we meet again may God hold you in palm of his hand...."
Dear Rich,
You're an absolutely unforgetable person and you have touched my heart. I am glad I had a chance to meet you and will always carry your memmory in my heart. Thank you for reminding me that there are spirits out there like you that shed light in this sometimes difficult and dark world.
I know it's time for you to go and be with God. But in this world you will transend time and death. You will live in our hearts forever!!! I love you. Give God a good word for me.
With love,
God bless you Rich. You are truly an amazing person. You are in my prayers.
Hey Richard, your letter was so moving and awesome. Every day I think about my funeral and how I want to be remembered. I love your e-mails from the scripts and am so happy to be in touch with God. It is a beautiful thing and I know in my heart that when you go, it is going to be the most beautiful thing. I love you and think you are wonderful and I herd that you won't be remembered for what you were but how you made others feel and you always made me feel like such a special unique person. I am blessed to have known you since one of my first jobs and love the memories. If I can't see you I will always feel you in my heart. Please watch out for me down here and I will smile up atthe sky and know you are at one and at peace and in gods loving care. You made a difference and your children will be a reminder and I will always be close to your children and j-me and the family, so when I look atthem I will feel and remember you. I love you very much and an truly greatful for our friendship.
Love Kara
O God, great and omnipotent judge of the living and the dead, we are to appear before You after this short life to render an account of our works. Give us the grace to prepare for our last hour by a devout and holy life, and protect us against a sudden and unprovided death. Let us remember our frailty and mortality, that we may always live in the ways of Your commandments. Teach us to "watch and pray" (Luke 21, 36), that when Your summons comes for our departure from this world, we may go forth to meet You, experience a merciful judgment, and rejoice in everlasting happiness. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
Hi Richard,
You have been on my heart so much lately. I'm so glad that Brian got to come out and see you and so envious too, I would have loved to have been there to say " See you latter", that is latter in heaven. I know that the time that you have on this earth is short and praise to the Lord, because you will soon be with the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, and you get to hear from his lips " well done my good and faithful servant!" You have changed so many peoples hearts with your testimony, more than you know here on earth but in heaven you get the full report, you'll receive a crown. Even out here in Colorado you have touch the hearts of our friends and neighbors and stregnthend their faith and revealed a faith to others they didn't know existed. Your walk with the Lord may not have been that long but it will go on for eternity and so many others will walk with you because of you. Sometimes it's hard to find joy in the pain and no one put you and the Lord know everything that you are feeling and going through, put He is with you and He and the Saints can't wait to see you and welcome you home! Have you ever listened to that Chris Tomlin song, How can I Keep from Singing? Well we sing it at our church all the time and every time I sing it I think of you.
There is an endless song
Echoes in my soul
I hear the music ring
And though the storms may come
I am holding on
To the rock I cling
How can I keep from
singing Your praise
How can I ever say enough
How amazing is Your love
How can I keep from shouting your name
I know I am loved by the King
And it makes my heart want to sing
I will lift my eyes
In the darkest night
For I know my Savior lives
And I will walk with you
Knowing you'll see me through
And sing the songs You give
I can sin in the troubled times
Sing when I win
I can sing when I lose my step
and fall down agian
I can sing 'cause you pick me up
Sing cause Your there
I can sing 'cause you hear me, Lord
when I call to you in prayer
I can sing with my last breath
Sing for I know
that I'll sing with the angels
and the saints around the throne
With Much Love,

My Blog

Believe - Brand New Staind Lyrics

I sit alone and watch the clockTrying to collect my thoughtsAll I think about is youSo I cry myself to sleepAnd hope the devil I don't meetIn the dreams that I live throughChorusBelieve in meI know th...
Posted by The Meaning of Life is Love on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 07:39:00 PST

Believe - Brand New Staind Lyrics

I sit alone and watch the clockTrying to collect my thoughtsAll I think about is youSo I cry myself to sleepAnd hope the devil I don't meetIn the dreams that I live throughChorusBelieve in meI know th...
Posted by The Meaning of Life is Love on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 07:39:00 PST


Impression and suffering Depression and hostility Obsession in vanity All on the cover page [Bridge:] Soaking in Saturates Turns to grey [Chorus:] All these things Novocaine So we d...
Posted by The Meaning of Life is Love on Tue, 13 May 2008 08:32:00 PST


I can't run anymore, I fall before you, Here I am, I have nothing left, Though I've tried to forget, You're all that I am, Take me home, I'm through fighting it, Broken, Lifeless, I give up,...
Posted by The Meaning of Life is Love on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 08:44:00 PST


Thank you to the people in my life For putting up with me And thank you for the time you sacrificed All on account of me [chorus] For all the times i didn't say The times i d...
Posted by The Meaning of Life is Love on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 02:22:00 PST


I just had to let you know cause I don't always let it show you give me needed room to grow and I just had to tell you so you fill me up, you're in my veins a look could take my breath away...
Posted by The Meaning of Life is Love on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 07:39:00 PST

Everything Changes

If you just walked away What could I really say? Would it matter anyway? Would it change how you feel? I am the mess you chose The closet you cannot close The devil in you i suppose 'Cause ...
Posted by The Meaning of Life is Love on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 08:03:00 PST

Panic Prone

Gave in again The bastard Can’t keep refusing rights So he’ll loan the cash But the sin Is on the hands of you So to care or Plead silence Weak hands are calling There’s cl...
Posted by The Meaning of Life is Love on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 07:41:00 PST

Anywhere But Here

AARON LEWIS ANYWHERE BUT HERE LYRICS This road is going nowhere And these, these shoes are worn too thin As always shoot out where I’m going As always could ...where I’ve been. ...
Posted by The Meaning of Life is Love on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 06:55:00 PST

Bleed - Cold

"Bleed" I’m feeling crossed I take it inside Burn up the pain My thoughts are strange Just like the things I used to love Just like the tree that fell I heard it If art...
Posted by The Meaning of Life is Love on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 06:45:00 PST