rehabilitating old dirty dancing wounds, old wars, publishing, walking, places to sit, sactological haiku, putting the final pieces into place
Fearsome lollipop women and non-threatening male contemporaries.
all the good stuff. Not the bad stuff. That stuff sucks.Currently on the ShuffleBuild a Wall - Forward Russia (damn you trendy punctuation) Stop Making Sense - Talking Heads Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)- ... DJ Kool (yes, that one)
So, so faves: Cronos, Children of Men, Dirty Pretty Things.
a most pertinacious and pernicious vice. A scourge public and private. I hear if I pay the company a few more bucks a month, they got, like, eight of them HBOs now.
the old neighborhood. I don't get back enough.
20th Century - Bob, Bobby, Jack, Bubba, Jon, Mike and Martin.