Work. Work. Work. and...oh, Yeah, Work. Hanging out with my lovely wife. Seeing my kids. Petting my cat. And occasionally playing video games.
Buddha, Keifer Sutherland (Jack Bauer f*@$*! Rocks!), Einstein, Van Gogh
depends on what i'm working on. mudvayne to mozart.
I try to find the best in all movies so I can lean from them. Evenwith the bad one you can learn what not to do.
Terminator, Eli Stone, Heroes, True Blood, 24, Lost (OK...OK... Grey's Anatomy and Americaian Idol, but don't tell anyone)
An avid reader when i have the time which is almost never.
my wife, my bestfriend, my cat (no...seriously). people are only guidlines for the heroes in ourselves.