I listen to a lot of scaa, but any kind of "rockish" music is soo good! A new band my friend Tammy got me into is Iris. Their really good! you should go check them out!
ONE TREE HILL all the way! I love that show! This may be a disapointment, but the OC sucks!!! I hate it!
Anything written by Dan Brown! I love Angels and Demons and the Da Vinci code. I also love Roald Dahl, his books are awesome! :)!
My heroes... i have so many, theres no where to start! Well, my mom, for over coming cancer and staying strong throughout the whole deal. It really taught me great life lessons! McPeak... do i even have to explain? My best friend Ally... what would i do without you? you've saved me from doing many things that i would have greatly regretted! wink wink Johns party! lol :)!!!