Flying, I'm a pilot... I'm not the best but I havn't killed myself...boating, (that is drinking while burning gas) racing (cars been doing it a long time... on the track NOT ON THE STREET.and motorcycles I race a ZX12 Ninja it is very very fast) Scuba diving cause when you are face to face with the fish... you look better, travel, stand up comedy, naughty or bratty girls. Life styler been doing it forever.
My perfect match would ride up to the airport on her ZX1200 Ninja, walk up to me and say "I was planing on flying down to Baja tonight to get a few Margaritas, can we take your plane cause mine needs someone to fix it... oh by the way, if I get too drunk and start peeling my clothes off in the pool, take me to the room and spank my ass... good and hard not like that wimp that I just got rid of"
AeroSmith to ZZ Top, Black Eyed Peas to Queens of the Stone Age. If it rocks or has a good hook I don't care if it was 1970 or 2006
The Secretary, Caddy Shack (the first one of course) The Story of O, 9 1/2 weeks
ain't got time for TV
PA28 Repair manual
My dad, every fighting man a woman in the armed forces, and anyone that can stand up to the good enough, PC crap that will kill us all.