WhAt YoU nEeD tO kNoW aBoUt PlAtInUm P
Name: TrIcKaLiCiOuS
Birthday: mArCh 10.....PiScEs, BaBy!!!!!
Birthplace: Ca$HvIlLe, Tn
Current Location: UnInCoRpOrAtEd, Tn FoR nOw...SoOn To Be MeMphIs
Eye Color: Dk. BrOwN
Hair Color: MuLtIcOlOrEd
Height: AvErAgE- 5'5"
Right Handed or Left Handed: SoUtH pAw..TuRn YoUr NoTeBoOk PaPeR tO tHe RiGhT tIlL ThE HoLeS aRe At ThE toP
Your Heritage: i CoMeS fRoM a LoNg LiSt oF Po' FoLks!
The Shoes You Wore Today: nInE wEsT
Your Weakness: sHoPpInG, cHeCkInG, mEn
Your Fears: LoSiNg mY mOtHeR b4 i'M mArRiEd w/KiDs
Your Perfect Pizza: cHiCkEn & SpInAcH AlFrEdO
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: SaVe MoNeY
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: TtFn
Thoughts First Waking Up: WhAt Am I gOiNg To WeAr?
Your Best Physical Feature: lIpS
Your Bedtime: WhEnEvEr
Your Most Missed Memory: mY StUdEnTs FrOm MaNaSsAs and KiRbY, HoMe, aNd HiGh ScHoOl
Pepsi or Coke: nEiThEr, LeMoNaDe MiXeD wItH sWeEt TeA
MacDonalds or Burger King: ChIcK fIL-a
Single or Group Dates: bOtH
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: BoTh
Chocolate or Vanilla: vAnIlLa
Cappuccino or Coffee: cApPuCcInO-sTaRbUcKs OnLy-NoNfAt CaRaMeL MoChA CaPpUcCiNo
Do you Smoke: nAsTy
Do you Swear: SoOn 2 b A nO!
Do you Sing: NaW
Do you Shower Daily: YeP AnD BaThE tOo
Have you Been in Love: i ThOuGhT tHaTs WhAt It WaS
Do you want to go to College: StIlL tHeRe...WoRkInG oN dOcToRaTe
Do you want to get Married: SuRe Do..FoR tOdAy...ToMoRrOw MaY bE a DiFfErEnT sToRy
Do you belive in yourself: Fa Sho!
Do you get Motion Sickness: YES!!! jUsT lEt mE cLoSe My EyEs FoR a MiNuTe AnD i'M bAcK
Do you think you are Attractive: yEp
Are you a Health Freak: TrY tO bE dUrInG tHe WeEk
Do you get along with your Parents: mY mOmS iS aLl I gOt!
Do you like Thunderstorms: i'M uSuAlLy SleEp
Do you play an Instrument: I DiD...sEvErAl FrOm ThE wOoDwInD fAmIlY-BaCk In ThE dAy
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: uNfOrTuNaTeLy, No!
In the past month have you Smoked: NOPE!!!!
In the past month have you been on Drugs: dO vItAmInS cOuNt?
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: oN mAlL rEsTrIcTiOn TiLl DeCeMbEr!
In the past month have you been on a date: nAw!
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: NoPe...P.s...I mIsS eAtInG sUsHi W/mY bEsT fRiEnD
In the past month have you been on Stage: i'M aN aCtReSs, My LiFe Is ThE sTaGe
In the past month have you been Dumped: NoPe
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: nOpE
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: InK pEnS fRoM mY Co-WoRkErS, a BoX oF wInE fRoM dIrTy tHiRtY II-DiScO InFeRnO
Ever been Drunk: yEp,
Ever been called a Tease: ????
Ever been Beaten up: i'M fRoM tHe HoOd...HeCk NaW!
Ever Shoplifted: YeP.. gOt CaUgHt, GoT a FrEe RiDe By ThE pOlIcE, aNd PaId $200 ReStItuTiOn To EcKeRds In BiRmInGhAm, Al....LeSsOn FoR tOdAy--DoN't StEaL!!
How do you want to Die: SaVeD, HaPpY, & oLd
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: To lAtE fOr WaNtS..i'M a GrOwN WoMaN!!
What country would you most like to Visit: AnY oUtSiDe ThE u.S.
Number of CDs I own: ToO MaNy--At LeAst 150 Or MoRe
Number of Piercings: TrEs
Number of Tattoos: cInCo
Number of things in my Past I Regret: MaNy...BuT oH wElL...tHeY aRe In ThE pAsT, cAn'T cHaNgE tHeM!!
As I Look For Mr. Right
Favourite Eye Color: AnY fRoM AfRiCaN-AmErICaN dEsCeNt
Favourite Hair Color: BlAcK aNd NaTuRaL
Short or Long Hair: ShOrT...NiCeLy LiNeD, bAlD,
Height: aBoVe 5'8"
Weight: FoOtBaLl-BaSeD tHiCkNeSs
Best Clothing Style: PrEpPy AnD uRbAN wEaR aCcEpTeD-Go WiTh ThE sEtTiNg
I'd like to meet:
Cool Slideshows
My Lord and Savior (when it's my time to go)...Queen Latifah-we have so much in common...Musiq Soulchild-I'm still his #1 fan in Memphis...There's plenty more with no explanation needed-Jamie Foxx, Cedric the Entertainer, Ice Cube, Eightball and MJG, Diddy, Mo'Nique, and Bill & Hillary Clinton!
Gospel, R&B, Rap (east coast, west coast, definitely the DIRTY SOUTH!!!), 80's music, 90's music, most old school, jazz, and latin music.
Anything that makes me laugh, Romance, Anything animated by Pixar. I just don't like scary movies..they give me nightmares. My favorite right now is Talladega Nights...The Ballad of Ricky Bobby!
Anything on MTV and Disney, House, The Jamie Foxx Show, Girlfriends, Love Inc., Cuts, Everybody Hates Chris, (Face it--UPN on Thursdays and Mondays)!!
African-American Non Fiction! Just finished reading Love and Lies, By Kimberla Lawson Roby... The Night Before Thirty.