Editing Equipment: Mac G5, 20" and 14" Displays, Powerbook G4, Finalcut Pro, Avid Express Pro, Nikon D70, Mamyia 645AF, and 4X5 rail camera for stills, Photo Dye-sub printer for digital still prints,Video Equipment: Main rigg; Panasonic DVX 100B, Anamorphic and Wide Angle Adaptor, 8' to 12' Kessler crane, (16mm movie camera coming very soon!)Live recording Audio Devices; Audio Technica AT835ST stereo shotgun mic, Sennheiser ME66 Shotgun mic, Sony stereo condenser mic,Live crane monitoring and other stationary cameras; AMD 64 Atholon PC Laptop ATI Mobility Radeon X600, DV Rack for Live Monitoring, Sony hi8 and Canon miniDV Stationary cameras.
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