Bruce Taylor born in Manhattan, New York City on July 17,1982. Moved to Columbus, Ohio in 1995 where his talent and gift was manifested. Bruce is a husband and father of 5 children and always had a passion to help people. He was deployed to Iraq for 14 months, and thats where he came back to the LORD Jesus Christ and received his calling on his life. He attended Church of Christ of Apostolic Faith on Brentnell in Columbus, Ohio. Bruce heard the voice of the Lord and step out on faith and went full time ministry with Team Jesus USA outreach ministry. He ministred at serveal events and festivals where his annointing played a part in touching many souls and bringing them to Chirst. Currently he is being tranined in his calling in Jesus and to run Glory 2 God Productions, which is a Multi Media Ministry. He now attends church at House of Prayer for All Nations and The Promise Land Complex in Columbus, Ohio. For booking call 614.847.2057