I play guitar and sing. I play a lot of golf. I have a sweet, beautiful girlfriend. These guys are awesome.
Duke football. Fly Fishing. Whiffle Ball. Poker. Halo 2. Moosic.
I want to go to Taco Tuesday with Jesus. Dude is sweet. So is Taco Tuesday.
Recently: Cold War Kids, Brand New, Thrice, The Chariot, John Ralston, Vedera, Copeland, Say Anything, Radiohead, Jimmy Eat World, Third Eye Blind, other stuff.
Rounders, Hotel Rwanda, American History X, Meet the Parents, Donnie Darko, The Butterfly Effect, The Weatherman, Vanilla Sky, Lord of War, Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, V for Vendetta, Stranger than Fiction, The Saw Series, a few more.
Grey's Anatomy. Gay?
The b-i-b-l-e.
Jesus, Jonathan Foreman, Nancy, and Arley. TB (once). Dustin Kensrue, Ayunga Opokowurk, Jon Kindler.